
beautiful nice, so pretty.....
避免饮用新鲜甘蔗水Avoid Drinking Fresh Sugar Cane Juice
Please take 2 mins to read this. This email was sent by a friend whose father is working with the Ministry of the Environment in S'pore.
健康报道 - 有关甘蔗饮料Health News - About Sugar Cane Drinks朋友的父亲替政府卫生检查工作, 是他把这项信息传开的。他们的工作就是要检查小贩的卫生(包刮食物,环境卫生等等)。他们发现甘蔗水是最不卫生的,它含有超标的细菌。
A friend whose father works for the government health inspection passed on his info.Their job is to inspect all hawkers, their cooked food, their store hygiene, etc.They found sugar cane juice has the highest content of bacteriaamong all food. In fact, it has exceeded the set limit.
从此, 他们必须找出原因。他们去了所有的甘蔗摊子查看小贩们怎么处理甘蔗,洗杯子与及整个过程。可是查不出什么来。
Hence, these guys had to find out why. They went round all sugar cane stores and watched the way the hawkers handledtheir sugar cane, wash their glasses, their entire procedure.But they couldn't find the problem..
有一天,他们逗留直到摊子收摊,结果发现骇人的事实。One day, they stayed till closing time and discovered some shocking facts!
Whenever, the hawkers closed their stores, they would wash the floor with detergent..As we know, the remaining sugar canes will be placed at the back of the store,vertically standing and as sugar canes are very porous, they tend to absorb whatever liquid around them.Besides the soapy water, the dirt on hawkers' boots, cats' urine, etc, will all be absorbed??
Now, whenever I eat at a hawker centre, I would warn all my friends about thisand of course I stopped drinking my favorite sugar cane juice.
还有一个超爱喝甘蔗水的朋友,她怀孕了, 还时常喝甘蔗水。有一天,她流产了,而且胎儿已经六、七个月。当医生做尸检以找出胎死腹中的原因,医生发现有大量化学物质的痕迹亦出现在猫尿。
A friend, who loved sugar cane juice, was pregnant. She was always drinking sugar cane juice.Anyway, one day she miscarried and the fetus was already like 6 or 7 months old.When the doctors did an autopsy to find out why all of a sudden the fetus had died inside her.They found traces of some chemical substance, which was found in cat urine...Large traces of it.
While it would not be able to harm adults, it was extremely toxic to babies, what more a fetus?
So they tried to determine how this cat urine thing could have ended up in the fetus.This meant that it had to be digested by the mother, right?And the only logical conclusion they could come up with was that since these sugar cane juice stallholders just leave the canes lying around on the wet and dirty floor,it would not be impossible to think that stray cats could have peed on those sugar canes or near thosesugar canes. So think carefully the next time you order that favorite sugar cane juice!
Please pass this on to everyone you know in S'pore & M'sia.Let's take action to make this world a better & safer place for all of us & the generations to come
Please take 2 mins to read this. This email was sent by a friend whose father is working with the Ministry of the Environment in S'pore.
健康报道 - 有关甘蔗饮料Health News - About Sugar Cane Drinks朋友的父亲替政府卫生检查工作, 是他把这项信息传开的。他们的工作就是要检查小贩的卫生(包刮食物,环境卫生等等)。他们发现甘蔗水是最不卫生的,它含有超标的细菌。
A friend whose father works for the government health inspection passed on his info.Their job is to inspect all hawkers, their cooked food, their store hygiene, etc.They found sugar cane juice has the highest content of bacteriaamong all food. In fact, it has exceeded the set limit.
从此, 他们必须找出原因。他们去了所有的甘蔗摊子查看小贩们怎么处理甘蔗,洗杯子与及整个过程。可是查不出什么来。
Hence, these guys had to find out why. They went round all sugar cane stores and watched the way the hawkers handledtheir sugar cane, wash their glasses, their entire procedure.But they couldn't find the problem..
有一天,他们逗留直到摊子收摊,结果发现骇人的事实。One day, they stayed till closing time and discovered some shocking facts!
Whenever, the hawkers closed their stores, they would wash the floor with detergent..As we know, the remaining sugar canes will be placed at the back of the store,vertically standing and as sugar canes are very porous, they tend to absorb whatever liquid around them.Besides the soapy water, the dirt on hawkers' boots, cats' urine, etc, will all be absorbed??
Now, whenever I eat at a hawker centre, I would warn all my friends about thisand of course I stopped drinking my favorite sugar cane juice.
还有一个超爱喝甘蔗水的朋友,她怀孕了, 还时常喝甘蔗水。有一天,她流产了,而且胎儿已经六、七个月。当医生做尸检以找出胎死腹中的原因,医生发现有大量化学物质的痕迹亦出现在猫尿。
A friend, who loved sugar cane juice, was pregnant. She was always drinking sugar cane juice.Anyway, one day she miscarried and the fetus was already like 6 or 7 months old.When the doctors did an autopsy to find out why all of a sudden the fetus had died inside her.They found traces of some chemical substance, which was found in cat urine...Large traces of it.
While it would not be able to harm adults, it was extremely toxic to babies, what more a fetus?
So they tried to determine how this cat urine thing could have ended up in the fetus.This meant that it had to be digested by the mother, right?And the only logical conclusion they could come up with was that since these sugar cane juice stallholders just leave the canes lying around on the wet and dirty floor,it would not be impossible to think that stray cats could have peed on those sugar canes or near thosesugar canes. So think carefully the next time you order that favorite sugar cane juice!
Please pass this on to everyone you know in S'pore & M'sia.Let's take action to make this world a better & safer place for all of us & the generations to come
Fake Hindu swamis, sanyasis, babas, gurus and godmen thrive in a society which lacks awareness about the true essence of Hindu spirituality. Therefore Hindus and other sections of the society which provide the opportunity and fertile ground for fraudsters to thrive in the name of Hinduism are equally at fault. No fake swami can survive without ignorant and fortune-seeking followers.
The Bhagavad Gita which narrates the essence of Hindu spirituality contains only 700 verses. There are excellent translation and commentary of Bhagavad Gita which cost less than 100 rupees. But majority of the Hindus have no time to read the 700 verses but spend money, energy and time visiting ashrams and spiritual centers of such fake babas and gurus.
If you make this an issue, immediately comes the answer, Bhagavad Gita is hard to digest for common people like us, we are ignorant. It is for the common people that the learned men of yesteryears have translated the Gita into all regional languages. They have provided excellent translations and have interpreted the great dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna into the simplest language.
Is not understanding Gita the real issue? NO
The real issue is that Gita doesn’t talk about methods to become super rich overnight. Neither do Gita have mantras to find treasures hidden underground or to get promotions or provide miracle cure to diseases. Gita also does not recommend pujas to destroy your enemies. And above all Gita does not predict the future.
But the fake swamis and godmen only talk about future, money and predictions, pujas and innumerable homams to cure diseases where medical science has failed. Sadly, this is what many Hindus want to hear.
Daily we get to hear about such fake swamis and their notorious activities – which include rape, amassing wealth through dishonorable means – but this has not deterred many Hindus from approaching fraudsters. But, why?
Both the fake Godmen and his followers are fortune seekers. Godmen is using religion to become rich and conduct other antisocial activities. Followers are fortune seekers who want the help of an outside agency to reach God and bribe God and amass wealth and know future.
Shri Krishna never fought for Arjuna. Arjuna had to do all the fighting in Kurukshetra. The ultimate truth that we have to do our work and no God will come to do it is not still acceptable to many.
A true Sanyasi will never advertise. He/She is like a flower. People reach them following the fragrance. They will not even bother to talk to fortune-seekers. Silence is there best weapon which frustrate most fortune seekers in minutes. They might open up the knowledge treasure to a genuine seeker whom a true Sanyasi will easily identify – just like Ramakrishna identified Vivekananda.
No Sanyasi or Godmen has said anything new that is not found in the Upanishads, Gita, Ramayana, Yoga Vasishta and Mahabharata. All these texts are readily available in the market. Pick any of these Holy Scriptures and read a few pages daily. Soon we will realize the futility of going to such fake gurus.
Hinduism believes in individual self realization and not borrowed or rented or bought self realization. Always remember the Brahman that resides in the most respected guru or spiritual leader also resides in us. The only difference is that we have not bothered to realize it.
If we are falling into the trap of fake Sanyasis and Godmen, it is our fault. And if you find that a swami is fake, never hesitate to report it to the authorities. Such fake swamis and Godmen should not find protection in Hindu religion.
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Understanding Hinduism
Posted by abhilash on 20.5.08 Email This
Read More On: Hindu Gurus and Saints, Hindu Issues
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Anonymous said...
The document is good for people who go to Hindu sanyasis and struggle to understand whether they are true or fake.. How about adding the lists of fake gurus/sanyasis in the BLOG for others to know at first hand information??
July 9, 2008 1:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Ha. You're missing the point. You must detect YOURSELF rather some is true or a faker. Asking someone else's opinion is just giving away your own inner power one more time.So many of the "godmen" just love to slide their hands (and other body parts) all over nearby females when they are along and think no one is looking...I could tell you many tales - even from the Kumbha Mela in Ujjain... so many are just dirty old men in private.You will find God in your OWN heart... all by yourself. For free.
August 1, 2008 2:17 AM
Anonymous said...
yeah i agree but thats doesnt mean that all are fakes many true and good saints are there... wherz good therz bad to in otherwords we should beware of those dirty missionaries who plans to spoil our great hindus saints name,because of these saints their crap work of convertion doesnt work
September 13, 2008 9:41 PM
HOBO said...
Very true. I agree.We all are emotional by heart and we all are some way or other surrounded by some or other problem. These fake people(I do not want to use the word sadhu for fake person) psychologically cheat us and Our fault is that we blindly listen to them without using our mind.Believe in God - The Mantra:)Best-Wishes !!!
September 22, 2008 12:21 PM
dcosta_halo said...
Hi Friends,Thanks for nice views.The real reason i think for going to so called fake people is to avoid thinking and putting efforts in disciplining oneself for quicker gains and get cheated in processes & coming out as bitter not better person at end of transaction with so called fake persons not sadhus, correctly put by one of friend above.Its not the fake people who are solely resposible for ourself being cheated but our own desire to get benefits instantly without work.Personally like verse 1 of chapter 6 which describes a true sanyasi(sadhu) which is:"anshrita karma phala karyam karm karoti yaha,saha sanyasi cha yogi cha na niragni na cha akriyah"2 qualities described of sadhu are:1-engaged in action with an ideal2-not worried about fruits of actionnot one who avoids action , doesnot have fire(agni) or ideal or goal.So lets be alert with our own wishes of avoiding self effort, thinking for quick gains,to prevent being
December 12, 2008 11:38 AM
Anonymous said...
i have studied shastra thoroughly and been very close to many saints and after many years i have come to believe that there really are no such thing as saints or god-people, unless you go very close you will never know and unless you know any "sant" as well as you know yourself we cannot call them sant. grihasthas are more godly any day
February 10, 2009 9:34 PM
Dennis said...
One criterion I use is this. How often is money asked for? One guru told me, "Spiritual Wisdom is never for sale."
February 11, 2009 12:49 AM
Anonymous said...
i was very closely invovled with a very famous spiritual organization and like anything else politically indian it is all about power and corrution, this is kalyug guys stay awat from them
February 24, 2009 10:16 PM
Anonymous said...
yes many people have had such experience even from reputed organizations but mostly they are all money hungry people who use shasta for their own benefits and how far they have sunk they do not even know
February 24, 2009 10:18 PM
Anonymous said...
You're right and wrong. So many people seem lost and seek help. So many people dream to become their guide. It's human life.As far as truth is concerned, it's not a problem. Who are we to say that something or someone bad is really bad. You see, even shit (like manure for eg) has its value and work to do. Nobody has never been lost. Moksha cannot be attained, otherwise you may be able to loose it, so it will not be moksha, pure infinity without boundaries.The fish can ponder and ask for advise. The truth is that the fish is the sea. And at the same time it has its own peculiar life to live. false and true is a dichotomy, its more a problem for abrahamic religions, not asian ones.All gurus are jerks, fake as long as you consider these being able to bring you to the moon. They can only show (live) the moon.When you are in truth, you are the truth.Now concerning this process to become conscious to be conscious. Yes, it exists, but it is only an experience, bound in time and space.Now if you want to know how it looks like, imagine..That you jump from an international flight ...without parachute. Or you touch the wires of a high tension pole. or you are on you way to the moon but you are tighten on the outside of the space shuttle.Nobody wxants to die, nor disappear. Its not a human process. So don't worry about fake or true gurus. They are jokers. That's why saainthood is related to laughter. When you are awakened, there is no separation, no division, no problemo.Ananda
March 9, 2009 6:21 AM
Anonymous said...
What is a guru ? A guru is not a man, belonging to a certain fold. A guru can be anything that instructs you. At the difference of abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), Asian religions are not one size fit all stuff. It’s a private relation between you and God. Life speaks to you in many different ways. It’s up to you to listen and look.A guru can be a dead leaf, or the sunlight on a rose bud. He can be your annoying neighbor, your irritating mother in-law, a dog, a dog drop, anything. It can be a simple word or a thing or a person that has a connection with, that talks to you, at a certain moment. That’s why you can read all religious books without perceiving anything in them. And surprisingly, read a cookbook and find a real answer for you. That’s the beauty of a creative life.Man creates his own problems and then cries. There are no problems in life, only a swirl of energy, continuously unfolding, moving. And you cannot solve a problem. There is no solution for a problem. You have to get a new vision in which you drop the problem and adopt a new way that will be your solution.Man wants to be certain, secure, helped. This denotes his fear and confusion. Man believes he is a poor human being, alone in the universe. Man is full of godliness and in total connection with what is, the manifestation. He is already realized, accepted, dipped in life. The work of a human guru is to dispel his ignorance even if this hurts the follower’s ego. He is there to help him avoid hard stones on the path. A guru is a killer, he has nothing to do with you, (drop that loving image Amma, Sai Baba and Cy, gentle guru stuff from your mind – please, same thing as fake or true guru thing). Nothing to do with money (but what’s wrong with money?) or human desires and vices (but what’s wrong with desires). A guru has his life to live. He goes to bed at night, scratch his ass in the morning, poo, take breakfast, burp, shout or scream, pass urine, etc. He is a normal guy. Why do we want to see him as an alien coming from planet Mars? He has no wings attached to his back and can’t convert rupees into dollars (sorry buddy, choose Euro instead, dollar is a dead donkey).Ananda
March 10, 2009 1:57 AM
Rahul said...
Last two comments from Anonymous are thoughts of wise! Good and evil are two sides of the same coin(Brahman)."To get the real, you must know what is fake"!It is called dance of duality.
March 13, 2009 1:54 AM
Anonymous said...
Very enlightening thoughts-Ananda-u have become our guru for the minute we took to read your deep comments-will like to discuss more with you-i get the impression though that one spiritual path will not be the same if one does not meet a human guru...
March 23, 2009 10:53 PM
Dr. Aman Biswas said...
Which is fake which is true None of or buisness. You so ever is takling about God is a step in your life!!. NEVER THINK Topmost step near roof is only Important. keep on steping the fisrt step was equally important. If you have fear of reaching saints just thinking they may not be true Hey man!! How will you become a discoverer. Well God bless you all in your search towards truth. Your own mind is gateway to hell or heaven!!
April 6, 2009 7:57 PM
Arthur Sanchez said...
Dear Friends,This is the test of genuine sincerity. Those who do not deeply desire God will get what they want. The fake in the name of the Real.Those who truly desire God never fail to get Him.
April 11, 2009 11:29 PM
sujesh said...
So could any of you tell me what Amma and Sai Baba are teaching right or wrong? other words are they real sanyasins or fake?
April 13, 2009 5:13 PM
Satyakama said...
Dear Sujesh,If you truly desire to know whether Amma or Sai Baba are real, then look deep into your own heart. Only there can you find God, the Truth. It really doesn't matter what the objective world says. All that matters is what your divine heart says. Sacrifice is the key to knowledge and knowing is seeing. What are you willing to sacrifice for this knowledge, Sujesh? Do not follow the masses blindly because someone says that they are Gods. Find out the truth for yourself.
April 14, 2009 4:43 AM
SRK4U said...
Look with an unbiased mind, If you are convinced then you can trust them. If these people are for real you will understand or rather feel it. Think rationally and decide. Dont just believe if anybod says anything whether +ve or -ve. Word "guru" means one who removes the darknes. Darkness abt anything - lyf, god or anything at all.
May 14, 2009 5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes,it's true that there are fake swamis.But they are many great gurus too.Just because many are fake,one should not distrust all.The "GURU" or the teacher is regarded highly in hindu religion,even equivalent to GOD.The underlying thought is that it's thru GURU that you know GOD.Like it's been brought out by the writer of this article("abhilash"),a true GURU never tells us how to get better in material life.But,it's seen that those who follow spiritual practices and are rooted in the self,will be provided more that what they ask materially also.The Bhagvad Gita and many books of Hinduism is not as simple as it is made out to be.T understand the essence of these books we really need a learned teacher(At least,I feel I am not intelligent enough to understand what these books say,they do create confusion at times,again I may be totally wrong in what I say)One problem which many of us face is that we keep doubting wether the "GURU" prcaitcies what he preaches.I feel if some one teaches you to do good and if he himself does not follow it,we need not bother.We should do good and not have doubt in the teachings.If a Guru does soemthing wrong,he will have to answer for that.I Just happened to bump into this blog,find it quite interesting and nice.Thanks
May 17, 2009 3:10 PM
Tess said...
Since Atman is within us all-when we read, study, contempate on what we have read-won't the Atman reveal the right path for us to understand Brahman at whatever level we might be in our present state? I wanted to see past Maya and so I did for a time give a far away guru money for advice, but as the cost rose I realized this was not the right thing to do- in the old sense of the guru/student role. But I could be mistaken-because the Vedas say we must preform sacrifices and give gifts (among other things.) What is a sacrifice or gift if money isn't involved in this modern day and age? I have come to understand a false guru as one who would lead us away from knowing there is God within ourselves, and as someone who does not treat his students as if they were already God. The finest example of a true guru was Sri Ramakrishna in my opinion.
May 27, 2009 6:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Many Hindus today believe that by accepting one (or more!) of the swamis who come to the scene like any advertised commercial service/product, they will be able to ensure, 1) a name in society as a good person irrespective of whether they have an unsavoury past record in this regard, 2) they will be able to ensure a front seat in heaven ( balcony if it is a cinema!) after their death through the Guru's efforts, just as we are able to get many things done in this world by bribing the right person for each thing, and 3) if they have much unaccounted money/wealth, the Guru's ashram will serve as a safe place to hide such wealth and ensure reasonable or even very high returns through stock-market operations regularly done by the ashrams (including the Kanchi mutt, which I know for a fact).
June 3, 2009 7:20 PM
sunil rathee said...
Have any one heard about Swami Dyananda , he was the only person who saved Hindu Dharma and its holyness by providing rear vedas to all indians. In 1850 when there were around 2500 panth in India and so many bad works were going on like sati pratha , bal vivah , no education to girls , jati pratha , chua-chut etc, people were converting to other religion because the dase of Hindu dharm i.e. Vedas were not followed anly some literatures of pandits like puranas were followed and people think the brahman as God . That time swami Dyanand remove all those panth and spread the light of vedas all around and saved Vedic Dharma. For Future he make a institute known as Arya Samaj which works a lot for Hindus. They removes alll the bad rituals from hindu dharma. The first school for girls and lower casts was founded by Swami dyanand only.Every sanyasi give comments on the top of How to get God only , No one care about Human Being. After Swami Dyanada death his followers gave a lot of contribution in country independence , His followers like Lala lajpatrai , Bhagat Singh , Pan Prasad Bismil , Chandersekhar Azad , all were Arya samaji's. This time Graet Yog Guru Swami Ramdev is also a follower of Arya samaj and get his all education from Gurukula's which are run by Arya samaj followers. Before Swami Dyanand no one ( a family person) was aware about Yoga. But He and his followers made it.This is the biggest contribution of any Sanyasi ever.
June 12, 2009 4:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Ultimately it all comes back to within us.Fake or not one must be able to use ones judgement ..althugh some donation to upkeep the movement is O.K. Again unless one is on a journey to find -its useless to follow blindly
June 24, 2009 1:14 PM
Ram said...
This is a very good discussion with sensible comments. Modern technology helps us to uncover the bogus and the fakes. For example, night vision cameras have exposed seances with apparitions as being nothing but tricks with mirrors. Nobody does this trick any more since night vision cameras became commonly available. And a slow motion replay of a video camera exposed a so-called sadhu and maharishi who could change dirt in the palm of his hand into a lotus flower. It was nothing more than a sleight of hand that any competent professional magician can perform. My question is this. Are the sadhus and sanyasis all 100% fakes and charlatans, or are there some genuine ones living today? I am certain that you will not find the real ones in the kumbh melas - these events are show pieces for the media and an industry designed to rip off the gullible and rich.So where are the genuine ones? Do they exist? or are we genuinely surrounded by 100% charlatans?If you can name the ones living today who you genuinely believe are the real articles, I will be very happy to look into and report back.
July 15, 2009 11:20 PM
Anonymous said...
hey every saint and guru is not like this.See the ancient gurus you have just heard some of your relative or some family member speaking all this and wrote.Also in hinduism is told about the ego that is devil and the self and soul nedds to be one to defeatit.The ego is not to be destroyed but it dessolves itself when we are one with the divine.Are the gurus fake.You know who is the guru of people who have no guru,its SRI KRISHNA.So you do one thing go and don't even read the GITA as it is told by the ETERNAL MASTER SRI KRISHNA JAGATGURU.It s said that KRISHNAM VANDE JAGAT GURU ok and you tell fake that guus talk about wealth and all that is matrialistic then see the todays guru.The best guru today PARAM PUJYA SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR JI See the holinesss in him.See how he uttered the GITA at the age of four the second verse by himself untaught.You see his things taught then you will understand this thing.You know however you reside in yourself but when in need only GURU'S GRACE helps you.If you are working on something very much its taking too much of your time but with your GURU'S GRACE you won't need to work so long or practice something so longs.You will do a little and GURU'S GRACE will help you throughout.Same in KARMA.KARMA can only be cleared with the help of KNOWLEDGE and this knowledge is not the G.K. you read everyday it's residing inside and that's nothing without GURU'S help.OK.Go and see SRI SRI RAVISHANKARJI'S talks and you will understand what a real GURU is and you will surely get your questions's answer.See how this GURU answers your questions in secons.And atleast continue your work rather than complaining about he GURU'S.You don't have a GURU doesn't mean we also do not have ok good bye jai gurudev.OK i again tell you the meaning of JAI GURUDEV.It means victory to the big mind as big minds thinks of better things and not temporary happiness and materialism and this is the bigger nature and we have to get rid of the smaller mind and nature by saying JAI GURUDEV.Also if you follow fun misery follows you and if you follow knowledge fun follows you.I hope this was a good entertaining lecture for you.Only this much for now JAI GURUDEV good bye
July 24, 2009 4:14 AM
Anonymous said...
I am amazed at the way some swamis charging fee (200-1000 dollars) for a meditation session.In the name of donation to their organisation,they charge enormous amounts from naive followers.One doesn't need so many meditation techniques to realise bliss.Simple awreness of breathing if enuff.
July 24, 2009 6:17 AM
Ravi said...
True godmen are like pearls which are found at the bottom of the ocean, And only garbage floats on top for everyone to see.
August 4, 2009 9:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Who is to decide true or false? How many of us householders are leading good lives? Do we worship? Are we truthful? do we have control over our appetites? And we are ready to criticize our sadhus. the greatest problem of hinduism is this stupid criticisim of our own people. And we run after monks and priests of other religions. Do you know how corrupt they are? Any idea?fools!
September 10, 2009 9:42 PM
ranjithmails said...
I am not sure, if all so called saints and sanyasis today are fake .. though I suspect most are fake ..Hinduism itself says that u need to have a Guru to make spiritual progress .. Right ?? Bhagavad Gita itself says that .. I forget the exact verse ..I have personally felt that -- Fake or not, the effect most so called Gurus have on their devotees is very positive .. I am not sure if the so called famous godmen from South India who are living today(u know who I am talking about, I dont want to mention names here) are genuine or not .. But their devotees are certainly more on the spiritual path than the normal Hindu .. No doubt about it .. I have seen many many ppl who have become so pure at heart after being involved with such Godmen .. They shell out their own money to do charities and help other people( remember its not even just dontaing some money) .. they do bhajans every week .. and they have God on their lips all the time .. Many of them actually try to carry out atleast some of the good teachings of their so called Gurus and change themselves positively both in their thoughts and in their actions.. Irrespective of if the Guru is fake or not, most of their devotees strongle believe that their Guru, who is God himself, is always with them and no harm can happen to them when the Guru is with them .. And when some bad things do happen in their lives(like it will happen in everyones lives), they believe its due to their karma and move on ahead ..Let me clarify I am not the devotee of any living Guru, but I have had the oppurtunity to interact with many of their devotees closely ..Like the saying goesGurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah, Gurur Saakshaat Parabrahma, Tasmay Shree Guruvay Namaha ..
September 14, 2009 2:06 AM
Anonymous said...
can anyone help me give some media adress and contact number who can expose about fake swamis in hyderabad. I'm in urgent need of the same.
October 1, 2009 4:23 PM
neelkumar said...
Haii dera It's very Useful
October 6, 2009 8:30 AM
Anonymous said...
The article completely rules out a good calibre Guru, rather it preaches that one should seek the scriptures to realize. If that was possible we won't be here. I have read many books multiple times, they mean different things until I experienced somethings under a calibre Guru the scriptures is just a wisdom statement. To give an example, Lord Krishna says at the end of Vishnu Sahasranama ;Yo mam nama sahasrena strotum ichheti pandavah! soham ekena slokena stuteva nasamshayah! Stueva nasamshayah om nama iti!There are thousands names sloka in the sahasrnama, it is difficult to remember them, so many ask this question to him. His reply is very simple, subtle and unambiguous ;Out of the slokas of these thousand names, if one can recite one sloka with no doubt, one can commune with him eternally .... How is this possible ? It is only possible with constant practise of meditation (pick a sloka, mediate on the meaning of it) with devotion for the divine for some time, the mind which is fickle by nature will mend and reach what the heart is looking for. This can be attained only by an assistance of (I repeat) a calibre Guru, it is impossible to reach God without a Guru, even avatara purusha had a Guru and if one has read the scriptures correctly, here is one from Guru Shankaracharya ;Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah! Guru sakshat ParaBrahmah tasmai Shree Gureva Namah! When the priest in the temple asks gotra during sankalpa, how many of us know who is being referred ? It is one of the SaptaRishi's (seven priomordial saints) or the lineage from whom we have descended. Every human being have a gotra, the scripture go beyond and tell if one does not have gothra, one can adopt "kashyap" saptharishi. But for spiritual progress one needs a living calibre Guru.Ofcourse there are many fake gurus in this world who are materially motivated, the onus to screen the Guru is on the sincere aspirant to find out if the guru will take from point a to b or is s/he after money or fame.
October 27, 2009 6:25 AM
Arthur said...
Dear Friends,Hello. I do not know why I am putting the following personal comments in this section. I suppose part of developing trust means not knowing everything all the time.Friends, Baba has said that if a devotee has dedicated his/her whole existence to Him, then prayer is no longer needed.Personally, I know I have not fully done so. Do you know why? Because I fear. And why do I fear? Because I do not fully trust Him? And why don't I fully trust Him? Because I do not fully trust myself. This is my weakness.So, even though I continuously affirm that my life is a prayer, I pray. I pray that the Lord makes me a more dependent devotee on Him without fear. I am willing to fully surrender, but I cannot without His grace. The spirit is willing, but the flesh, the mind and brain, are weak.Is this not the same with all other genuine aspirants? Is this not a sign of a saint in the making?
October 31, 2009 11:30 PM
Arthur said...
Dear Friends,Here I am again. I hope you all enjoy my interpretation of the following question and answer quotes.Q: "You are Bhagavan. So you should know when I shall get jnana. Tell me when I shall be a jnani?"A: "If I am Bhagavan there is no one besides the Self - therefore no jnani or ajnani. If otherwise, I am as good as you are and know as much as yourself. Either way I cannot answer your question?"Sri Ramana MaharshiDid Ramana merely shirk the question? Many would say, yes. Why? Because they would think that as an omniscient soul he would know. However, the important word to understand here is the word "cannot". Cannot does not mean know not. Therefore, the important question to ask is: why couldn't Ramana answer the question? The question was fully answered, but not all in words. Let me finish his sentence and then let us see if he shirked the question. "Either way I cannot answer your question" [with absolute accuracy, because the future is not predetermined].Ramana liked to play this game. He would often end a sentence and then allow a receptive spirit to finish it by following the Self. It sounds insane, doesn't it? The joy of this revelation is inexpressible, the Self.Only a jnani can understand a jnani. Arthur
November 2, 2009 8:55 AM
Sundaram said...
Actually, the omnipotent Guru always knows better when to impart knowledge to a deserving disciple. So it is wrong to ask Guru "When will I become Dnyaani". Instead one should focus on Spiritual Practice.
November 3, 2009 8:53 AM
Anonymous said...
can anyone help me give some media adress and contact number who can expose about fake swamis in hyderabad. I'm in urgent need of the same
November 9, 2009 5:14 PM
Anonymous said...
I know of one such fake saint : Dr. Dakshinamurthy Dixit from Kohir. Dixit..very popularly known as "Ayyagaru" is such a person who traps people into his vemonous loop by playing around their weakness, blackmails them emotionally and sentimentally and lures off their wealth. He destroyed many families and seized and grabbed many innocent people properties getting relinquished on his name himself. He even seized Sri Omkareswara Temple of Kohir. In the name of homas, pujas, this person lures people in the form of huge amounts of grains, gold, silver, and many precious ornaments giving the name as "Guru Dakshina". God Shiva and Goddess Parvathi themselves should punish this Dixit to such an extent that he should die a street dog death stoned by people themselves.Atleast this way, other innocent people lives and families will be saved. There can be no doubt that he had even grabbed and occupied the Kohir's Omkareswar temple. I'm a sufferer of this Dixit myself. He smashed my family life in the name of homa and pujas.Please help me in exposing this dixit and give an end to his drama once for all.
November 9, 2009 5:18 PM
Anonymous said...
i completely agree. for me it is AC bhaktivedanta swami prabhupada, a true spiritual soul, only here to serve krishna and spread his name. all those bogus asses, like sai baba (not the one who lived long ago (shedi)) but this other dude who is alive and in a wheelchair or something... that fag... but thank you
November 15, 2009 5:18 AM
Arthur said...
Dear Friends,Hello, again. Here is some food for thought. How irrational is it to call a murderer a Christian?The following article heading is an example of how dumb, deaf and blind the world really is: "Two Egyptian Christians get death sentence for murder."Proclaiming Christianity does make one a Christian nor does it define a Christian. This statement holds good for all religions.You think that there are many fake swamis and gurus in this world, but consider the "billions" of fake disciples professing all sorts of religions. Worldliness attempting to proclaim spirituality is the Great Lie and also the Great Test. This is how God separates the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats, the lions from the sheep.Consider the gatherings of Sai Baba, for example. Do you honestly think that they are mostly all genuine disciples? Superficial kindness and respect is not a genuine consideration. Friends, genuine disciples are nearly as rare as genuine gurus. Seek out both. Unfortunately the reality is is that people want blessings and not Truth. How fortunate then for the ignorant to be in the presence of a real guru. However, a genuine disciple will give up even good fortune for Truth alone.
November 15, 2009 10:11 PM
Arthur said...
Hello, friends.What To Give And What To Take.If one takes, one will be taken from. If one gives, one will be given to. This is the Law. This is Karma.Therefore, one should always strive to give love and take sins. This is how one blesses oneself and cleanses the world. This is what the saints do. This is God's work.
November 25, 2009 9:38 AM
Anonymous said...
‘Taarak Braham’ - the ‘GURU’ (Spiritual Master)Today, the concept of ‘Taarak Braham’, ‘Taarak Braham Kee Mahasambhuti’ & and in taantrik language ‘Maha Kaul’ has gone oblivious. ‘Taarak Braham’ is the only the Spiritual Master – the ‘Adhyaatmik Guru’. “Gurur Brahama, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah Gurureva Parama Brahama Tasmai Shree Guruvey Namah” signifies that ‘Taarak Braham’ is the only ‘Guru’ and it is Salute for Him. Non other than the ‘Taarak Braham’ is ‘Guru’. ‘Lord Sadashiva’ had appeared in capacity as ‘Taarak Braham’ [the manifestation of Supreme Consciousness in Human Form – the connecting point between Qualified (Sagun) Braham and the Non-Qualified (Nirgun) Braham - the relative world and the pure consciousness] on this earth 7500 years back. Thereafter another ‘Taarak Braham’ who inundated this Earth with His Grace was ‘Lord Krishna’ 3,500 years back in India.
November 25, 2009 4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
(Contd…....1/1 from above)The meaning of the word ‘Mahasambhuti’ is - that ‘biological body /form’ through which the ‘Taarak Braham’ expresses Himself. It is used in the sense as – “Mahasambhuti of Taarak Braham” denotes that the ‘biological body / form’ from which the ‘Taarak Braham’ (the supreme Consciousness) functions / acts. So ‘Lord Sadashiva’ and ‘Lord Krishna’ were the ‘Mahasambhuti’ of ‘Taarak Braham’ in different Eras on this Earth. Their biological bodies were called the ‘Mahasambhuti’ and their soul – ‘Taarak Braham’ which collectively denotes the ‘Supreme Consciousness and the biological body’. It must be understood that ‘Taarak Braham’ is the same Supreme Consciousness - not two or three. The pure Supreme Consciousness when appeared for the FIRST TIME on this Earth 7,500 years back was named as ‘Sadashiva’ and thereafter 3,500 years back, He was named as ‘Shri Krishna’ when He appeared on this Earth for the SECOND TIME. This name was given to Him (Lord Krishna) by one of His worldly (loakik) uncles and sage ‘Ramta Ram Garga Ji’. So the ‘Taarak Braham’ [who is a complete personality and capable of exhausting the unconsumed reactive momenta (Abhukta Sanskara)] is the only ‘SPIRITUAL MASTER / GURU’. (Note:- Reactive Momenta – the accumulated reactions of our actions in potential form – partly accompanied from the past lives and partly the reactions of actions done in the present life). Taarak Braham Kee Jai Thanks
November 26, 2009 11:01 AM
Anonymous said...
‘THE GURU’The word ‘Gu’ means darkness and ‘ru’ to dispel So collectively the words ‘Gu+ru’ denote - that great personality who dispels the darkness. India is a country of spirituality. For the first time, the seed of spirituality sprouted somewhere in ‘Central Asia’- the abode of Aryans. All know, the ‘RIGVEDA’- the first knowledge on spirituality and relative world, ‘was propounded by the Aryans’. The science of spirituality is root cause for the origination of ‘RIGVEDA’. Presently, in Europe there is place by the name ‘RIGA’. So it will not be out of place to mention here that the name ‘RIGA’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘RIK’ thereafter ‘RIG’ – the ‘VEDA’ - that has ‘Rik’ & ‘RICHA’ in plural. So ‘RIGVEDA’ the holy book of oldest spiritual knowledge in India (which was brought to India by the Aryans). The present natives (our overseas brothers) of Europe must understand that they are the offsprings of Caucasians (Aryans)- the ancestors of the Indo-Aryans. From the spirituality point of view, all are the progeny of same cosmic father. Science and anthropology recognize us as ‘Homosapiens’. Be it -Aryans, Mongolians, Austrics, Negroids or Dravidians’ all are the ‘Homosapiens’. The point of our discussion is ‘Aadhyatmik Guru’ the ‘Master of Spirituality’. The word: ‘Taarak Braham’ is a Sanskrit word. In English language, perhaps there is no equivalent terminology for the words ‘Tarak Braham’ , ‘Mahasambhuti’ and ‘Maha Kaul’, etc. . ‘Kaul’ are those who have raised their ‘Kundalini Shakti’ (the Serpentine Force that is lying in a latent state at the lowest ending point of spinal cord) for the spiritual union with ‘Param Shiva’ (seated between the secret point of eyebrows) by dint of their own rigorous efforts / practice. ‘Maha Kaul’ were those who had not only raised their own ‘Kundalini Shakti’ but were rather still are authority over raising the ‘Kundalini Shakti’ of the average spiritual aspirants / practitioners (Aam Adhyatmik Saadhak) by a mere spiritual touch or on oral command. (Mahakaul can raise the ‘Kundalini Shakti’ of the animals also) The word ‘Maha Kaul’ is a esoteric (tantrik) language word. So, it is not known by the common people. In Kashmir, Kashmiri Brahmins / Pandits place the title ‘Kaul’ or ‘Kaw’ after their names. So it must be understood that formerly the ancestors of those Pandits / Brahmins were the follower of ‘Kaulachar’ (They were Kaulachari Pandits). ‘Kaulachar’ - the cult of spirituality that has the practice of raising the ‘Kundalini Shakti’. ‘Lord Sadashiva’ and ‘Lord Krishna’ were the personalities on this Earth who were authority over raising the ‘Kundalini Shakti’ of the average spiritual aspirants / practitioners by a mere spiritual touch or on a oral command. (Contd…….1/1……. below:-)
November 26, 2009 11:01 AM
Anonymous said...
(Contd…....1/1 from above)The meaning of the word ‘Mahasambhuti’ is - that ‘biological body /form’ through which the ‘Taarak Braham’ expresses Himself. It is used in the sense as – “Mahasambhuti of Taarak Braham” denotes that the ‘biological body / form’ from which the ‘Taarak Braham’ (the supreme Consciousness) functions / acts. So ‘Lord Sadashiva’ and ‘Lord Krishna’ were the ‘Mahasambhuti’ of ‘Taarak Braham’ in different Eras on this Earth. Their biological bodies were called the ‘Mahasambhuti’ and their soul – ‘Taarak Braham’ which collectively denotes the ‘Supreme Consciousness and the biological body’. It must be understood that ‘Taarak Braham’ is the same Supreme Consciousness - not two or three. The pure Supreme Consciousness when appeared for the FIRST TIME on this Earth 7,500 years back was named as ‘Sadashiva’ and thereafter 3,500 years back, He was named as ‘Shri Krishna’ when He appeared on this Earth for the SECOND TIME. This name was given to Him (Lord Krishna) by one of His worldly (loakik) uncles and sage ‘Ramta Ram Garga Ji’. So the ‘Taarak Braham’ [who is a complete personality and capable of exhausting the unconsumed reactive momenta (Abhukta Sanskara)] is the only ‘SPIRITUAL MASTER / GURU’. (Note:- Reactive Momenta – the accumulated reactions of our actions in potential form – partly accompanied from the past lives and partly the reactions of actions done in the present life). Taarak Braham Kee Jai
November 26, 2009 2:00 PM
Arthur said...
Dear Abhilash,Hello. I was wondering where I may add some miscellaneous comments. For example,What are a man's most valuable possessions? Are they properties, such as material wealth? Or are they loved ones, such as family and friends? Neither. A man's most valuable possessions are his thoughts, his "beliefs". I have realized that the hardest things for a person to give up are not his/her properties or even his/her loved ones, but rather, the hardest things for a person to give up are his/her cherished beliefs. A person's identity, existence, depends on it.Overcoming cherished beliefs are his greatest obstacles, because they are his most valuable possessions. A man would rather lose his life with his egoic existence intact, then to give up his attachment to cherished beliefs for fear of losing his identity. He diligently works to be a good somebody in this world instead of a divine nobody.For example, look how the different religions fight to protect their own identities as if their very existence depended on it. It is cherished beliefs that are at the core of their fighting. Is this not so? This is why it so hard to find an ego that is willing to sacrifice everything, especially its own beliefs on all levels of thought, for Truth alone. It is this desire that leads to the highest life and philosophy, the fairest of all God's flowers.
November 28, 2009 8:36 AM
abhilash said...
@ can publish it as article itself...send us your articles and we will publish it say it has been contributed by you....You can also contact me via
November 28, 2009 8:55 AM
Arthur said...
Hello, friends.I want to thank you, Abhilash, for responding. I will contact you via the gmail address.However, my purpose on this link is to comment on real and fake swamis and gurus. May the following words illuminate minds."Do not judge according to appearances". A deceiver will see deception in another. A lover will see love in another. The self-centered will see self-centeredness in another. Etc., etc. We all see this world and each other according to "our own" mental and spiritual dispositions. For example, I "know" that Sai Baba is God. How do I know? Because I know the truth. I have experienced it. To "believe" in something is merely the first step towards knowing the truth of the belief. One must next seek to experience "subjectively" the belief. Do not build your houses on the grounds of belief, because like sand, the house is not based on a stable foundation.Those who believe in Sai Baba, for instance, are fortunate. But this fortune will be short lived if the believers do not experience the truth. They must desire to know for a fact. The greatest blessing is in knowing and not in merely believing. Knowledge is bliss, is love, in the highest. A believer can be deceived, but not a knower. It is the experience of truth which makes us know that is the basis of real faith. Yes or no?The world's "objective" approach to God is the result of its own ignorance. If this be the truth and nothing but the truth, then who am I?
November 30, 2009 12:34 AM
Hindu said...
Well its true there are fakes around but there are also many genuine ones around as well.So we have to be careful that we don’t just give the impression that all of them are fake..Many times because of the anti Hindu groups involved and their influence in the media they like portraying Hindu holymen as fakes.You will notice the Indian media will go overboard ‘exposing’ of alleged scandals but soon as it turns out to not be true you wont hear a whimper because its better to keep the false rumours alive so people who don’t know the facts keep on believing them.. A good example was the alleged expose of Sathya Sai baba when he was falsely accused of child abuse by some American guy where even a BBC documentary was made over the issue..Few years later this same guy withdrew his case in the US when it turned out that most of his accusations didn’t add up and he was about to be exposed but did the media report that ? Not at all. So we have to be very careful with just giving general statements about Hindu gurus being fake..And at the end of the day who are keeping Hinduism alive to the masses ? The many Hindu swamis and gurus out here working day and night.Of course in-between there are some scammers but that’s in other parts of life as well and you just have to be cautious overall..
December 21, 2009 10:31 PM
itispals said...
A nice discussion. Good to see the various points of view. My belief is that a coin has two sides. So, is Nature.It is we who have classified things as "Good" & "Bad". What is good for me, can appear as bad for others and what is "bad" for others may appear as "good" for me? Isn't this the universal truth.Two Stand Out Sentences:"Shri Krishna never fought for Arjuna. Arjuna had to do all the fighting in Kurukshetra. The ultimate truth that we have to do our work and no God will come to do it is not still acceptable to many.""If we are falling into the trap of fake Sanyasis and Godmen, it is our fault."May be falling in the trap is also a way to realize the Truth :)Arthur's Posts were very much insightful. "What are a man's most valuable possessions? Are they properties, such as material wealth? Or are they loved ones, such as family and friends? Neither. A man's most valuable possessions are his thoughts, his "beliefs"."Finally, Abilash you are doing a great Job. Keep it up.Itispals
January 4, 2010 2:18 PM
TropicalMonkey said...
Talking about Sanyasis -- we might see more fake than real ones. Reason? if they were real, they would have realized the meaninglessness of this materialistic life and wouldn't give a damn for publicity and they might live their life in "their own world" trying to find the truth about this life and teaching their findings to their Shishyas (students)! They don't need publicity or political power for that!My mom used to be a big believer of a "human god". He could bring gold chains etc from thin air! I used to wonder why he differentiates between Gold and other material? (I must admit that these human Gods do a lot of charity work compared to our politicians). Does God really care if you put Gold ornaments on him/her/it? Do you think God uses all that "bribe" you put in collection boxes in various Hindu temples? Who uses all that money? -- Hindus don't have a culture of charity work like (other) religions. So even in modern Hinduism it is all about greed -- for money, publicity and power!
January 13, 2010 11:42 AM
SATVIC said...
A true living Guru, who works hard and travel all over the palces is SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR. By simple yoga/meditation techniques and knowledge sessions he has helped millions around the world to understand the meaning of life and conduct life in more joyful manner. Art of Living foundation started by Sri Sri has been working in various humanitarian projects like, Education for Underprivilaged, Health to all, Organic farming, Women self healp groups, Alcohal/Drug addiction and many.Sri Sri is a true guru living as per the principles of Sanadhana Dharma
January 14, 2010 6:00 PM
TropicalMonkey said...
This is in response to SATVIC's comments about "Sri sri Ravi Shankar". I certainly agree that Mr Ravi Shankar is doing a great job of trying to help people to lead a happy materialistic life. Not by his classes of breathing techniques (improvised Pranayama), but by the advises he gives about "Art of Living". Luckily he has not (yet) started claiming himself as God. I personally respect him as an individual until he start claiming that he is an incarnation of God. This is his business (for monitory benefits). Nothing wrong in doing that in this materialistic world, if you ask me. I have attended one week class of "Art of Living". It was not free. Nothing can be free in this (materialistic) world. What really moved me was - most of his "devotees" do not understand "Art of Living" even after attending the class. All of them go there just for one reason -- "networking". In addition to this "Art of Networking", all they want to do is some "breathing exercise". Thus Art of Living became synonymous to Breathing Exercise (like SATVIC mentioned in the above post)!!(.. oh well I guess I misunderstood the meaning of "Art of Living", otherwise I would have paid Rs 150,000 to "purchase" a teacher's job in one of "Hindu religion's" college fifteen years ago!! I was too adamant that even though I am also leading a materialistic life, I did not want to go down to their level).Even this materialistic world would have been a much better place if Ravi Shankar could make people understand the real meaning of "Art of Living" (without stressing too much on Pranayama).
January 15, 2010 12
The Bhagavad Gita which narrates the essence of Hindu spirituality contains only 700 verses. There are excellent translation and commentary of Bhagavad Gita which cost less than 100 rupees. But majority of the Hindus have no time to read the 700 verses but spend money, energy and time visiting ashrams and spiritual centers of such fake babas and gurus.
If you make this an issue, immediately comes the answer, Bhagavad Gita is hard to digest for common people like us, we are ignorant. It is for the common people that the learned men of yesteryears have translated the Gita into all regional languages. They have provided excellent translations and have interpreted the great dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna into the simplest language.
Is not understanding Gita the real issue? NO
The real issue is that Gita doesn’t talk about methods to become super rich overnight. Neither do Gita have mantras to find treasures hidden underground or to get promotions or provide miracle cure to diseases. Gita also does not recommend pujas to destroy your enemies. And above all Gita does not predict the future.
But the fake swamis and godmen only talk about future, money and predictions, pujas and innumerable homams to cure diseases where medical science has failed. Sadly, this is what many Hindus want to hear.
Daily we get to hear about such fake swamis and their notorious activities – which include rape, amassing wealth through dishonorable means – but this has not deterred many Hindus from approaching fraudsters. But, why?
Both the fake Godmen and his followers are fortune seekers. Godmen is using religion to become rich and conduct other antisocial activities. Followers are fortune seekers who want the help of an outside agency to reach God and bribe God and amass wealth and know future.
Shri Krishna never fought for Arjuna. Arjuna had to do all the fighting in Kurukshetra. The ultimate truth that we have to do our work and no God will come to do it is not still acceptable to many.
A true Sanyasi will never advertise. He/She is like a flower. People reach them following the fragrance. They will not even bother to talk to fortune-seekers. Silence is there best weapon which frustrate most fortune seekers in minutes. They might open up the knowledge treasure to a genuine seeker whom a true Sanyasi will easily identify – just like Ramakrishna identified Vivekananda.
No Sanyasi or Godmen has said anything new that is not found in the Upanishads, Gita, Ramayana, Yoga Vasishta and Mahabharata. All these texts are readily available in the market. Pick any of these Holy Scriptures and read a few pages daily. Soon we will realize the futility of going to such fake gurus.
Hinduism believes in individual self realization and not borrowed or rented or bought self realization. Always remember the Brahman that resides in the most respected guru or spiritual leader also resides in us. The only difference is that we have not bothered to realize it.
If we are falling into the trap of fake Sanyasis and Godmen, it is our fault. And if you find that a swami is fake, never hesitate to report it to the authorities. Such fake swamis and Godmen should not find protection in Hindu religion.
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Understanding Hinduism
Posted by abhilash on 20.5.08 Email This
Read More On: Hindu Gurus and Saints, Hindu Issues
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Anonymous said...
The document is good for people who go to Hindu sanyasis and struggle to understand whether they are true or fake.. How about adding the lists of fake gurus/sanyasis in the BLOG for others to know at first hand information??
July 9, 2008 1:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Ha. You're missing the point. You must detect YOURSELF rather some is true or a faker. Asking someone else's opinion is just giving away your own inner power one more time.So many of the "godmen" just love to slide their hands (and other body parts) all over nearby females when they are along and think no one is looking...I could tell you many tales - even from the Kumbha Mela in Ujjain... so many are just dirty old men in private.You will find God in your OWN heart... all by yourself. For free.
August 1, 2008 2:17 AM
Anonymous said...
yeah i agree but thats doesnt mean that all are fakes many true and good saints are there... wherz good therz bad to in otherwords we should beware of those dirty missionaries who plans to spoil our great hindus saints name,because of these saints their crap work of convertion doesnt work
September 13, 2008 9:41 PM
HOBO said...
Very true. I agree.We all are emotional by heart and we all are some way or other surrounded by some or other problem. These fake people(I do not want to use the word sadhu for fake person) psychologically cheat us and Our fault is that we blindly listen to them without using our mind.Believe in God - The Mantra:)Best-Wishes !!!
September 22, 2008 12:21 PM
dcosta_halo said...
Hi Friends,Thanks for nice views.The real reason i think for going to so called fake people is to avoid thinking and putting efforts in disciplining oneself for quicker gains and get cheated in processes & coming out as bitter not better person at end of transaction with so called fake persons not sadhus, correctly put by one of friend above.Its not the fake people who are solely resposible for ourself being cheated but our own desire to get benefits instantly without work.Personally like verse 1 of chapter 6 which describes a true sanyasi(sadhu) which is:"anshrita karma phala karyam karm karoti yaha,saha sanyasi cha yogi cha na niragni na cha akriyah"2 qualities described of sadhu are:1-engaged in action with an ideal2-not worried about fruits of actionnot one who avoids action , doesnot have fire(agni) or ideal or goal.So lets be alert with our own wishes of avoiding self effort, thinking for quick gains,to prevent being
December 12, 2008 11:38 AM
Anonymous said...
i have studied shastra thoroughly and been very close to many saints and after many years i have come to believe that there really are no such thing as saints or god-people, unless you go very close you will never know and unless you know any "sant" as well as you know yourself we cannot call them sant. grihasthas are more godly any day
February 10, 2009 9:34 PM
Dennis said...
One criterion I use is this. How often is money asked for? One guru told me, "Spiritual Wisdom is never for sale."
February 11, 2009 12:49 AM
Anonymous said...
i was very closely invovled with a very famous spiritual organization and like anything else politically indian it is all about power and corrution, this is kalyug guys stay awat from them
February 24, 2009 10:16 PM
Anonymous said...
yes many people have had such experience even from reputed organizations but mostly they are all money hungry people who use shasta for their own benefits and how far they have sunk they do not even know
February 24, 2009 10:18 PM
Anonymous said...
You're right and wrong. So many people seem lost and seek help. So many people dream to become their guide. It's human life.As far as truth is concerned, it's not a problem. Who are we to say that something or someone bad is really bad. You see, even shit (like manure for eg) has its value and work to do. Nobody has never been lost. Moksha cannot be attained, otherwise you may be able to loose it, so it will not be moksha, pure infinity without boundaries.The fish can ponder and ask for advise. The truth is that the fish is the sea. And at the same time it has its own peculiar life to live. false and true is a dichotomy, its more a problem for abrahamic religions, not asian ones.All gurus are jerks, fake as long as you consider these being able to bring you to the moon. They can only show (live) the moon.When you are in truth, you are the truth.Now concerning this process to become conscious to be conscious. Yes, it exists, but it is only an experience, bound in time and space.Now if you want to know how it looks like, imagine..That you jump from an international flight ...without parachute. Or you touch the wires of a high tension pole. or you are on you way to the moon but you are tighten on the outside of the space shuttle.Nobody wxants to die, nor disappear. Its not a human process. So don't worry about fake or true gurus. They are jokers. That's why saainthood is related to laughter. When you are awakened, there is no separation, no division, no problemo.Ananda
March 9, 2009 6:21 AM
Anonymous said...
What is a guru ? A guru is not a man, belonging to a certain fold. A guru can be anything that instructs you. At the difference of abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), Asian religions are not one size fit all stuff. It’s a private relation between you and God. Life speaks to you in many different ways. It’s up to you to listen and look.A guru can be a dead leaf, or the sunlight on a rose bud. He can be your annoying neighbor, your irritating mother in-law, a dog, a dog drop, anything. It can be a simple word or a thing or a person that has a connection with, that talks to you, at a certain moment. That’s why you can read all religious books without perceiving anything in them. And surprisingly, read a cookbook and find a real answer for you. That’s the beauty of a creative life.Man creates his own problems and then cries. There are no problems in life, only a swirl of energy, continuously unfolding, moving. And you cannot solve a problem. There is no solution for a problem. You have to get a new vision in which you drop the problem and adopt a new way that will be your solution.Man wants to be certain, secure, helped. This denotes his fear and confusion. Man believes he is a poor human being, alone in the universe. Man is full of godliness and in total connection with what is, the manifestation. He is already realized, accepted, dipped in life. The work of a human guru is to dispel his ignorance even if this hurts the follower’s ego. He is there to help him avoid hard stones on the path. A guru is a killer, he has nothing to do with you, (drop that loving image Amma, Sai Baba and Cy, gentle guru stuff from your mind – please, same thing as fake or true guru thing). Nothing to do with money (but what’s wrong with money?) or human desires and vices (but what’s wrong with desires). A guru has his life to live. He goes to bed at night, scratch his ass in the morning, poo, take breakfast, burp, shout or scream, pass urine, etc. He is a normal guy. Why do we want to see him as an alien coming from planet Mars? He has no wings attached to his back and can’t convert rupees into dollars (sorry buddy, choose Euro instead, dollar is a dead donkey).Ananda
March 10, 2009 1:57 AM
Rahul said...
Last two comments from Anonymous are thoughts of wise! Good and evil are two sides of the same coin(Brahman)."To get the real, you must know what is fake"!It is called dance of duality.
March 13, 2009 1:54 AM
Anonymous said...
Very enlightening thoughts-Ananda-u have become our guru for the minute we took to read your deep comments-will like to discuss more with you-i get the impression though that one spiritual path will not be the same if one does not meet a human guru...
March 23, 2009 10:53 PM
Dr. Aman Biswas said...
Which is fake which is true None of or buisness. You so ever is takling about God is a step in your life!!. NEVER THINK Topmost step near roof is only Important. keep on steping the fisrt step was equally important. If you have fear of reaching saints just thinking they may not be true Hey man!! How will you become a discoverer. Well God bless you all in your search towards truth. Your own mind is gateway to hell or heaven!!
April 6, 2009 7:57 PM
Arthur Sanchez said...
Dear Friends,This is the test of genuine sincerity. Those who do not deeply desire God will get what they want. The fake in the name of the Real.Those who truly desire God never fail to get Him.
April 11, 2009 11:29 PM
sujesh said...
So could any of you tell me what Amma and Sai Baba are teaching right or wrong? other words are they real sanyasins or fake?
April 13, 2009 5:13 PM
Satyakama said...
Dear Sujesh,If you truly desire to know whether Amma or Sai Baba are real, then look deep into your own heart. Only there can you find God, the Truth. It really doesn't matter what the objective world says. All that matters is what your divine heart says. Sacrifice is the key to knowledge and knowing is seeing. What are you willing to sacrifice for this knowledge, Sujesh? Do not follow the masses blindly because someone says that they are Gods. Find out the truth for yourself.
April 14, 2009 4:43 AM
SRK4U said...
Look with an unbiased mind, If you are convinced then you can trust them. If these people are for real you will understand or rather feel it. Think rationally and decide. Dont just believe if anybod says anything whether +ve or -ve. Word "guru" means one who removes the darknes. Darkness abt anything - lyf, god or anything at all.
May 14, 2009 5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes,it's true that there are fake swamis.But they are many great gurus too.Just because many are fake,one should not distrust all.The "GURU" or the teacher is regarded highly in hindu religion,even equivalent to GOD.The underlying thought is that it's thru GURU that you know GOD.Like it's been brought out by the writer of this article("abhilash"),a true GURU never tells us how to get better in material life.But,it's seen that those who follow spiritual practices and are rooted in the self,will be provided more that what they ask materially also.The Bhagvad Gita and many books of Hinduism is not as simple as it is made out to be.T understand the essence of these books we really need a learned teacher(At least,I feel I am not intelligent enough to understand what these books say,they do create confusion at times,again I may be totally wrong in what I say)One problem which many of us face is that we keep doubting wether the "GURU" prcaitcies what he preaches.I feel if some one teaches you to do good and if he himself does not follow it,we need not bother.We should do good and not have doubt in the teachings.If a Guru does soemthing wrong,he will have to answer for that.I Just happened to bump into this blog,find it quite interesting and nice.Thanks
May 17, 2009 3:10 PM
Tess said...
Since Atman is within us all-when we read, study, contempate on what we have read-won't the Atman reveal the right path for us to understand Brahman at whatever level we might be in our present state? I wanted to see past Maya and so I did for a time give a far away guru money for advice, but as the cost rose I realized this was not the right thing to do- in the old sense of the guru/student role. But I could be mistaken-because the Vedas say we must preform sacrifices and give gifts (among other things.) What is a sacrifice or gift if money isn't involved in this modern day and age? I have come to understand a false guru as one who would lead us away from knowing there is God within ourselves, and as someone who does not treat his students as if they were already God. The finest example of a true guru was Sri Ramakrishna in my opinion.
May 27, 2009 6:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Many Hindus today believe that by accepting one (or more!) of the swamis who come to the scene like any advertised commercial service/product, they will be able to ensure, 1) a name in society as a good person irrespective of whether they have an unsavoury past record in this regard, 2) they will be able to ensure a front seat in heaven ( balcony if it is a cinema!) after their death through the Guru's efforts, just as we are able to get many things done in this world by bribing the right person for each thing, and 3) if they have much unaccounted money/wealth, the Guru's ashram will serve as a safe place to hide such wealth and ensure reasonable or even very high returns through stock-market operations regularly done by the ashrams (including the Kanchi mutt, which I know for a fact).
June 3, 2009 7:20 PM
sunil rathee said...
Have any one heard about Swami Dyananda , he was the only person who saved Hindu Dharma and its holyness by providing rear vedas to all indians. In 1850 when there were around 2500 panth in India and so many bad works were going on like sati pratha , bal vivah , no education to girls , jati pratha , chua-chut etc, people were converting to other religion because the dase of Hindu dharm i.e. Vedas were not followed anly some literatures of pandits like puranas were followed and people think the brahman as God . That time swami Dyanand remove all those panth and spread the light of vedas all around and saved Vedic Dharma. For Future he make a institute known as Arya Samaj which works a lot for Hindus. They removes alll the bad rituals from hindu dharma. The first school for girls and lower casts was founded by Swami dyanand only.Every sanyasi give comments on the top of How to get God only , No one care about Human Being. After Swami Dyanada death his followers gave a lot of contribution in country independence , His followers like Lala lajpatrai , Bhagat Singh , Pan Prasad Bismil , Chandersekhar Azad , all were Arya samaji's. This time Graet Yog Guru Swami Ramdev is also a follower of Arya samaj and get his all education from Gurukula's which are run by Arya samaj followers. Before Swami Dyanand no one ( a family person) was aware about Yoga. But He and his followers made it.This is the biggest contribution of any Sanyasi ever.
June 12, 2009 4:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Ultimately it all comes back to within us.Fake or not one must be able to use ones judgement ..althugh some donation to upkeep the movement is O.K. Again unless one is on a journey to find -its useless to follow blindly
June 24, 2009 1:14 PM
Ram said...
This is a very good discussion with sensible comments. Modern technology helps us to uncover the bogus and the fakes. For example, night vision cameras have exposed seances with apparitions as being nothing but tricks with mirrors. Nobody does this trick any more since night vision cameras became commonly available. And a slow motion replay of a video camera exposed a so-called sadhu and maharishi who could change dirt in the palm of his hand into a lotus flower. It was nothing more than a sleight of hand that any competent professional magician can perform. My question is this. Are the sadhus and sanyasis all 100% fakes and charlatans, or are there some genuine ones living today? I am certain that you will not find the real ones in the kumbh melas - these events are show pieces for the media and an industry designed to rip off the gullible and rich.So where are the genuine ones? Do they exist? or are we genuinely surrounded by 100% charlatans?If you can name the ones living today who you genuinely believe are the real articles, I will be very happy to look into and report back.
July 15, 2009 11:20 PM
Anonymous said...
hey every saint and guru is not like this.See the ancient gurus you have just heard some of your relative or some family member speaking all this and wrote.Also in hinduism is told about the ego that is devil and the self and soul nedds to be one to defeatit.The ego is not to be destroyed but it dessolves itself when we are one with the divine.Are the gurus fake.You know who is the guru of people who have no guru,its SRI KRISHNA.So you do one thing go and don't even read the GITA as it is told by the ETERNAL MASTER SRI KRISHNA JAGATGURU.It s said that KRISHNAM VANDE JAGAT GURU ok and you tell fake that guus talk about wealth and all that is matrialistic then see the todays guru.The best guru today PARAM PUJYA SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR JI See the holinesss in him.See how he uttered the GITA at the age of four the second verse by himself untaught.You see his things taught then you will understand this thing.You know however you reside in yourself but when in need only GURU'S GRACE helps you.If you are working on something very much its taking too much of your time but with your GURU'S GRACE you won't need to work so long or practice something so longs.You will do a little and GURU'S GRACE will help you throughout.Same in KARMA.KARMA can only be cleared with the help of KNOWLEDGE and this knowledge is not the G.K. you read everyday it's residing inside and that's nothing without GURU'S help.OK.Go and see SRI SRI RAVISHANKARJI'S talks and you will understand what a real GURU is and you will surely get your questions's answer.See how this GURU answers your questions in secons.And atleast continue your work rather than complaining about he GURU'S.You don't have a GURU doesn't mean we also do not have ok good bye jai gurudev.OK i again tell you the meaning of JAI GURUDEV.It means victory to the big mind as big minds thinks of better things and not temporary happiness and materialism and this is the bigger nature and we have to get rid of the smaller mind and nature by saying JAI GURUDEV.Also if you follow fun misery follows you and if you follow knowledge fun follows you.I hope this was a good entertaining lecture for you.Only this much for now JAI GURUDEV good bye
July 24, 2009 4:14 AM
Anonymous said...
I am amazed at the way some swamis charging fee (200-1000 dollars) for a meditation session.In the name of donation to their organisation,they charge enormous amounts from naive followers.One doesn't need so many meditation techniques to realise bliss.Simple awreness of breathing if enuff.
July 24, 2009 6:17 AM
Ravi said...
True godmen are like pearls which are found at the bottom of the ocean, And only garbage floats on top for everyone to see.
August 4, 2009 9:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Who is to decide true or false? How many of us householders are leading good lives? Do we worship? Are we truthful? do we have control over our appetites? And we are ready to criticize our sadhus. the greatest problem of hinduism is this stupid criticisim of our own people. And we run after monks and priests of other religions. Do you know how corrupt they are? Any idea?fools!
September 10, 2009 9:42 PM
ranjithmails said...
I am not sure, if all so called saints and sanyasis today are fake .. though I suspect most are fake ..Hinduism itself says that u need to have a Guru to make spiritual progress .. Right ?? Bhagavad Gita itself says that .. I forget the exact verse ..I have personally felt that -- Fake or not, the effect most so called Gurus have on their devotees is very positive .. I am not sure if the so called famous godmen from South India who are living today(u know who I am talking about, I dont want to mention names here) are genuine or not .. But their devotees are certainly more on the spiritual path than the normal Hindu .. No doubt about it .. I have seen many many ppl who have become so pure at heart after being involved with such Godmen .. They shell out their own money to do charities and help other people( remember its not even just dontaing some money) .. they do bhajans every week .. and they have God on their lips all the time .. Many of them actually try to carry out atleast some of the good teachings of their so called Gurus and change themselves positively both in their thoughts and in their actions.. Irrespective of if the Guru is fake or not, most of their devotees strongle believe that their Guru, who is God himself, is always with them and no harm can happen to them when the Guru is with them .. And when some bad things do happen in their lives(like it will happen in everyones lives), they believe its due to their karma and move on ahead ..Let me clarify I am not the devotee of any living Guru, but I have had the oppurtunity to interact with many of their devotees closely ..Like the saying goesGurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah, Gurur Saakshaat Parabrahma, Tasmay Shree Guruvay Namaha ..
September 14, 2009 2:06 AM
Anonymous said...
can anyone help me give some media adress and contact number who can expose about fake swamis in hyderabad. I'm in urgent need of the same.
October 1, 2009 4:23 PM
neelkumar said...
Haii dera It's very Useful
October 6, 2009 8:30 AM
Anonymous said...
The article completely rules out a good calibre Guru, rather it preaches that one should seek the scriptures to realize. If that was possible we won't be here. I have read many books multiple times, they mean different things until I experienced somethings under a calibre Guru the scriptures is just a wisdom statement. To give an example, Lord Krishna says at the end of Vishnu Sahasranama ;Yo mam nama sahasrena strotum ichheti pandavah! soham ekena slokena stuteva nasamshayah! Stueva nasamshayah om nama iti!There are thousands names sloka in the sahasrnama, it is difficult to remember them, so many ask this question to him. His reply is very simple, subtle and unambiguous ;Out of the slokas of these thousand names, if one can recite one sloka with no doubt, one can commune with him eternally .... How is this possible ? It is only possible with constant practise of meditation (pick a sloka, mediate on the meaning of it) with devotion for the divine for some time, the mind which is fickle by nature will mend and reach what the heart is looking for. This can be attained only by an assistance of (I repeat) a calibre Guru, it is impossible to reach God without a Guru, even avatara purusha had a Guru and if one has read the scriptures correctly, here is one from Guru Shankaracharya ;Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah! Guru sakshat ParaBrahmah tasmai Shree Gureva Namah! When the priest in the temple asks gotra during sankalpa, how many of us know who is being referred ? It is one of the SaptaRishi's (seven priomordial saints) or the lineage from whom we have descended. Every human being have a gotra, the scripture go beyond and tell if one does not have gothra, one can adopt "kashyap" saptharishi. But for spiritual progress one needs a living calibre Guru.Ofcourse there are many fake gurus in this world who are materially motivated, the onus to screen the Guru is on the sincere aspirant to find out if the guru will take from point a to b or is s/he after money or fame.
October 27, 2009 6:25 AM
Arthur said...
Dear Friends,Hello. I do not know why I am putting the following personal comments in this section. I suppose part of developing trust means not knowing everything all the time.Friends, Baba has said that if a devotee has dedicated his/her whole existence to Him, then prayer is no longer needed.Personally, I know I have not fully done so. Do you know why? Because I fear. And why do I fear? Because I do not fully trust Him? And why don't I fully trust Him? Because I do not fully trust myself. This is my weakness.So, even though I continuously affirm that my life is a prayer, I pray. I pray that the Lord makes me a more dependent devotee on Him without fear. I am willing to fully surrender, but I cannot without His grace. The spirit is willing, but the flesh, the mind and brain, are weak.Is this not the same with all other genuine aspirants? Is this not a sign of a saint in the making?
October 31, 2009 11:30 PM
Arthur said...
Dear Friends,Here I am again. I hope you all enjoy my interpretation of the following question and answer quotes.Q: "You are Bhagavan. So you should know when I shall get jnana. Tell me when I shall be a jnani?"A: "If I am Bhagavan there is no one besides the Self - therefore no jnani or ajnani. If otherwise, I am as good as you are and know as much as yourself. Either way I cannot answer your question?"Sri Ramana MaharshiDid Ramana merely shirk the question? Many would say, yes. Why? Because they would think that as an omniscient soul he would know. However, the important word to understand here is the word "cannot". Cannot does not mean know not. Therefore, the important question to ask is: why couldn't Ramana answer the question? The question was fully answered, but not all in words. Let me finish his sentence and then let us see if he shirked the question. "Either way I cannot answer your question" [with absolute accuracy, because the future is not predetermined].Ramana liked to play this game. He would often end a sentence and then allow a receptive spirit to finish it by following the Self. It sounds insane, doesn't it? The joy of this revelation is inexpressible, the Self.Only a jnani can understand a jnani. Arthur
November 2, 2009 8:55 AM
Sundaram said...
Actually, the omnipotent Guru always knows better when to impart knowledge to a deserving disciple. So it is wrong to ask Guru "When will I become Dnyaani". Instead one should focus on Spiritual Practice.
November 3, 2009 8:53 AM
Anonymous said...
can anyone help me give some media adress and contact number who can expose about fake swamis in hyderabad. I'm in urgent need of the same
November 9, 2009 5:14 PM
Anonymous said...
I know of one such fake saint : Dr. Dakshinamurthy Dixit from Kohir. Dixit..very popularly known as "Ayyagaru" is such a person who traps people into his vemonous loop by playing around their weakness, blackmails them emotionally and sentimentally and lures off their wealth. He destroyed many families and seized and grabbed many innocent people properties getting relinquished on his name himself. He even seized Sri Omkareswara Temple of Kohir. In the name of homas, pujas, this person lures people in the form of huge amounts of grains, gold, silver, and many precious ornaments giving the name as "Guru Dakshina". God Shiva and Goddess Parvathi themselves should punish this Dixit to such an extent that he should die a street dog death stoned by people themselves.Atleast this way, other innocent people lives and families will be saved. There can be no doubt that he had even grabbed and occupied the Kohir's Omkareswar temple. I'm a sufferer of this Dixit myself. He smashed my family life in the name of homa and pujas.Please help me in exposing this dixit and give an end to his drama once for all.
November 9, 2009 5:18 PM
Anonymous said...
i completely agree. for me it is AC bhaktivedanta swami prabhupada, a true spiritual soul, only here to serve krishna and spread his name. all those bogus asses, like sai baba (not the one who lived long ago (shedi)) but this other dude who is alive and in a wheelchair or something... that fag... but thank you
November 15, 2009 5:18 AM
Arthur said...
Dear Friends,Hello, again. Here is some food for thought. How irrational is it to call a murderer a Christian?The following article heading is an example of how dumb, deaf and blind the world really is: "Two Egyptian Christians get death sentence for murder."Proclaiming Christianity does make one a Christian nor does it define a Christian. This statement holds good for all religions.You think that there are many fake swamis and gurus in this world, but consider the "billions" of fake disciples professing all sorts of religions. Worldliness attempting to proclaim spirituality is the Great Lie and also the Great Test. This is how God separates the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats, the lions from the sheep.Consider the gatherings of Sai Baba, for example. Do you honestly think that they are mostly all genuine disciples? Superficial kindness and respect is not a genuine consideration. Friends, genuine disciples are nearly as rare as genuine gurus. Seek out both. Unfortunately the reality is is that people want blessings and not Truth. How fortunate then for the ignorant to be in the presence of a real guru. However, a genuine disciple will give up even good fortune for Truth alone.
November 15, 2009 10:11 PM
Arthur said...
Hello, friends.What To Give And What To Take.If one takes, one will be taken from. If one gives, one will be given to. This is the Law. This is Karma.Therefore, one should always strive to give love and take sins. This is how one blesses oneself and cleanses the world. This is what the saints do. This is God's work.
November 25, 2009 9:38 AM
Anonymous said...
‘Taarak Braham’ - the ‘GURU’ (Spiritual Master)Today, the concept of ‘Taarak Braham’, ‘Taarak Braham Kee Mahasambhuti’ & and in taantrik language ‘Maha Kaul’ has gone oblivious. ‘Taarak Braham’ is the only the Spiritual Master – the ‘Adhyaatmik Guru’. “Gurur Brahama, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah Gurureva Parama Brahama Tasmai Shree Guruvey Namah” signifies that ‘Taarak Braham’ is the only ‘Guru’ and it is Salute for Him. Non other than the ‘Taarak Braham’ is ‘Guru’. ‘Lord Sadashiva’ had appeared in capacity as ‘Taarak Braham’ [the manifestation of Supreme Consciousness in Human Form – the connecting point between Qualified (Sagun) Braham and the Non-Qualified (Nirgun) Braham - the relative world and the pure consciousness] on this earth 7500 years back. Thereafter another ‘Taarak Braham’ who inundated this Earth with His Grace was ‘Lord Krishna’ 3,500 years back in India.
November 25, 2009 4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
(Contd…....1/1 from above)The meaning of the word ‘Mahasambhuti’ is - that ‘biological body /form’ through which the ‘Taarak Braham’ expresses Himself. It is used in the sense as – “Mahasambhuti of Taarak Braham” denotes that the ‘biological body / form’ from which the ‘Taarak Braham’ (the supreme Consciousness) functions / acts. So ‘Lord Sadashiva’ and ‘Lord Krishna’ were the ‘Mahasambhuti’ of ‘Taarak Braham’ in different Eras on this Earth. Their biological bodies were called the ‘Mahasambhuti’ and their soul – ‘Taarak Braham’ which collectively denotes the ‘Supreme Consciousness and the biological body’. It must be understood that ‘Taarak Braham’ is the same Supreme Consciousness - not two or three. The pure Supreme Consciousness when appeared for the FIRST TIME on this Earth 7,500 years back was named as ‘Sadashiva’ and thereafter 3,500 years back, He was named as ‘Shri Krishna’ when He appeared on this Earth for the SECOND TIME. This name was given to Him (Lord Krishna) by one of His worldly (loakik) uncles and sage ‘Ramta Ram Garga Ji’. So the ‘Taarak Braham’ [who is a complete personality and capable of exhausting the unconsumed reactive momenta (Abhukta Sanskara)] is the only ‘SPIRITUAL MASTER / GURU’. (Note:- Reactive Momenta – the accumulated reactions of our actions in potential form – partly accompanied from the past lives and partly the reactions of actions done in the present life). Taarak Braham Kee Jai Thanks
November 26, 2009 11:01 AM
Anonymous said...
‘THE GURU’The word ‘Gu’ means darkness and ‘ru’ to dispel So collectively the words ‘Gu+ru’ denote - that great personality who dispels the darkness. India is a country of spirituality. For the first time, the seed of spirituality sprouted somewhere in ‘Central Asia’- the abode of Aryans. All know, the ‘RIGVEDA’- the first knowledge on spirituality and relative world, ‘was propounded by the Aryans’. The science of spirituality is root cause for the origination of ‘RIGVEDA’. Presently, in Europe there is place by the name ‘RIGA’. So it will not be out of place to mention here that the name ‘RIGA’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘RIK’ thereafter ‘RIG’ – the ‘VEDA’ - that has ‘Rik’ & ‘RICHA’ in plural. So ‘RIGVEDA’ the holy book of oldest spiritual knowledge in India (which was brought to India by the Aryans). The present natives (our overseas brothers) of Europe must understand that they are the offsprings of Caucasians (Aryans)- the ancestors of the Indo-Aryans. From the spirituality point of view, all are the progeny of same cosmic father. Science and anthropology recognize us as ‘Homosapiens’. Be it -Aryans, Mongolians, Austrics, Negroids or Dravidians’ all are the ‘Homosapiens’. The point of our discussion is ‘Aadhyatmik Guru’ the ‘Master of Spirituality’. The word: ‘Taarak Braham’ is a Sanskrit word. In English language, perhaps there is no equivalent terminology for the words ‘Tarak Braham’ , ‘Mahasambhuti’ and ‘Maha Kaul’, etc. . ‘Kaul’ are those who have raised their ‘Kundalini Shakti’ (the Serpentine Force that is lying in a latent state at the lowest ending point of spinal cord) for the spiritual union with ‘Param Shiva’ (seated between the secret point of eyebrows) by dint of their own rigorous efforts / practice. ‘Maha Kaul’ were those who had not only raised their own ‘Kundalini Shakti’ but were rather still are authority over raising the ‘Kundalini Shakti’ of the average spiritual aspirants / practitioners (Aam Adhyatmik Saadhak) by a mere spiritual touch or on oral command. (Mahakaul can raise the ‘Kundalini Shakti’ of the animals also) The word ‘Maha Kaul’ is a esoteric (tantrik) language word. So, it is not known by the common people. In Kashmir, Kashmiri Brahmins / Pandits place the title ‘Kaul’ or ‘Kaw’ after their names. So it must be understood that formerly the ancestors of those Pandits / Brahmins were the follower of ‘Kaulachar’ (They were Kaulachari Pandits). ‘Kaulachar’ - the cult of spirituality that has the practice of raising the ‘Kundalini Shakti’. ‘Lord Sadashiva’ and ‘Lord Krishna’ were the personalities on this Earth who were authority over raising the ‘Kundalini Shakti’ of the average spiritual aspirants / practitioners by a mere spiritual touch or on a oral command. (Contd…….1/1……. below:-)
November 26, 2009 11:01 AM
Anonymous said...
(Contd…....1/1 from above)The meaning of the word ‘Mahasambhuti’ is - that ‘biological body /form’ through which the ‘Taarak Braham’ expresses Himself. It is used in the sense as – “Mahasambhuti of Taarak Braham” denotes that the ‘biological body / form’ from which the ‘Taarak Braham’ (the supreme Consciousness) functions / acts. So ‘Lord Sadashiva’ and ‘Lord Krishna’ were the ‘Mahasambhuti’ of ‘Taarak Braham’ in different Eras on this Earth. Their biological bodies were called the ‘Mahasambhuti’ and their soul – ‘Taarak Braham’ which collectively denotes the ‘Supreme Consciousness and the biological body’. It must be understood that ‘Taarak Braham’ is the same Supreme Consciousness - not two or three. The pure Supreme Consciousness when appeared for the FIRST TIME on this Earth 7,500 years back was named as ‘Sadashiva’ and thereafter 3,500 years back, He was named as ‘Shri Krishna’ when He appeared on this Earth for the SECOND TIME. This name was given to Him (Lord Krishna) by one of His worldly (loakik) uncles and sage ‘Ramta Ram Garga Ji’. So the ‘Taarak Braham’ [who is a complete personality and capable of exhausting the unconsumed reactive momenta (Abhukta Sanskara)] is the only ‘SPIRITUAL MASTER / GURU’. (Note:- Reactive Momenta – the accumulated reactions of our actions in potential form – partly accompanied from the past lives and partly the reactions of actions done in the present life). Taarak Braham Kee Jai
November 26, 2009 2:00 PM
Arthur said...
Dear Abhilash,Hello. I was wondering where I may add some miscellaneous comments. For example,What are a man's most valuable possessions? Are they properties, such as material wealth? Or are they loved ones, such as family and friends? Neither. A man's most valuable possessions are his thoughts, his "beliefs". I have realized that the hardest things for a person to give up are not his/her properties or even his/her loved ones, but rather, the hardest things for a person to give up are his/her cherished beliefs. A person's identity, existence, depends on it.Overcoming cherished beliefs are his greatest obstacles, because they are his most valuable possessions. A man would rather lose his life with his egoic existence intact, then to give up his attachment to cherished beliefs for fear of losing his identity. He diligently works to be a good somebody in this world instead of a divine nobody.For example, look how the different religions fight to protect their own identities as if their very existence depended on it. It is cherished beliefs that are at the core of their fighting. Is this not so? This is why it so hard to find an ego that is willing to sacrifice everything, especially its own beliefs on all levels of thought, for Truth alone. It is this desire that leads to the highest life and philosophy, the fairest of all God's flowers.
November 28, 2009 8:36 AM
abhilash said...
@ can publish it as article itself...send us your articles and we will publish it say it has been contributed by you....You can also contact me via
November 28, 2009 8:55 AM
Arthur said...
Hello, friends.I want to thank you, Abhilash, for responding. I will contact you via the gmail address.However, my purpose on this link is to comment on real and fake swamis and gurus. May the following words illuminate minds."Do not judge according to appearances". A deceiver will see deception in another. A lover will see love in another. The self-centered will see self-centeredness in another. Etc., etc. We all see this world and each other according to "our own" mental and spiritual dispositions. For example, I "know" that Sai Baba is God. How do I know? Because I know the truth. I have experienced it. To "believe" in something is merely the first step towards knowing the truth of the belief. One must next seek to experience "subjectively" the belief. Do not build your houses on the grounds of belief, because like sand, the house is not based on a stable foundation.Those who believe in Sai Baba, for instance, are fortunate. But this fortune will be short lived if the believers do not experience the truth. They must desire to know for a fact. The greatest blessing is in knowing and not in merely believing. Knowledge is bliss, is love, in the highest. A believer can be deceived, but not a knower. It is the experience of truth which makes us know that is the basis of real faith. Yes or no?The world's "objective" approach to God is the result of its own ignorance. If this be the truth and nothing but the truth, then who am I?
November 30, 2009 12:34 AM
Hindu said...
Well its true there are fakes around but there are also many genuine ones around as well.So we have to be careful that we don’t just give the impression that all of them are fake..Many times because of the anti Hindu groups involved and their influence in the media they like portraying Hindu holymen as fakes.You will notice the Indian media will go overboard ‘exposing’ of alleged scandals but soon as it turns out to not be true you wont hear a whimper because its better to keep the false rumours alive so people who don’t know the facts keep on believing them.. A good example was the alleged expose of Sathya Sai baba when he was falsely accused of child abuse by some American guy where even a BBC documentary was made over the issue..Few years later this same guy withdrew his case in the US when it turned out that most of his accusations didn’t add up and he was about to be exposed but did the media report that ? Not at all. So we have to be very careful with just giving general statements about Hindu gurus being fake..And at the end of the day who are keeping Hinduism alive to the masses ? The many Hindu swamis and gurus out here working day and night.Of course in-between there are some scammers but that’s in other parts of life as well and you just have to be cautious overall..
December 21, 2009 10:31 PM
itispals said...
A nice discussion. Good to see the various points of view. My belief is that a coin has two sides. So, is Nature.It is we who have classified things as "Good" & "Bad". What is good for me, can appear as bad for others and what is "bad" for others may appear as "good" for me? Isn't this the universal truth.Two Stand Out Sentences:"Shri Krishna never fought for Arjuna. Arjuna had to do all the fighting in Kurukshetra. The ultimate truth that we have to do our work and no God will come to do it is not still acceptable to many.""If we are falling into the trap of fake Sanyasis and Godmen, it is our fault."May be falling in the trap is also a way to realize the Truth :)Arthur's Posts were very much insightful. "What are a man's most valuable possessions? Are they properties, such as material wealth? Or are they loved ones, such as family and friends? Neither. A man's most valuable possessions are his thoughts, his "beliefs"."Finally, Abilash you are doing a great Job. Keep it up.Itispals
January 4, 2010 2:18 PM
TropicalMonkey said...
Talking about Sanyasis -- we might see more fake than real ones. Reason? if they were real, they would have realized the meaninglessness of this materialistic life and wouldn't give a damn for publicity and they might live their life in "their own world" trying to find the truth about this life and teaching their findings to their Shishyas (students)! They don't need publicity or political power for that!My mom used to be a big believer of a "human god". He could bring gold chains etc from thin air! I used to wonder why he differentiates between Gold and other material? (I must admit that these human Gods do a lot of charity work compared to our politicians). Does God really care if you put Gold ornaments on him/her/it? Do you think God uses all that "bribe" you put in collection boxes in various Hindu temples? Who uses all that money? -- Hindus don't have a culture of charity work like (other) religions. So even in modern Hinduism it is all about greed -- for money, publicity and power!
January 13, 2010 11:42 AM
SATVIC said...
A true living Guru, who works hard and travel all over the palces is SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR. By simple yoga/meditation techniques and knowledge sessions he has helped millions around the world to understand the meaning of life and conduct life in more joyful manner. Art of Living foundation started by Sri Sri has been working in various humanitarian projects like, Education for Underprivilaged, Health to all, Organic farming, Women self healp groups, Alcohal/Drug addiction and many.Sri Sri is a true guru living as per the principles of Sanadhana Dharma
January 14, 2010 6:00 PM
TropicalMonkey said...
This is in response to SATVIC's comments about "Sri sri Ravi Shankar". I certainly agree that Mr Ravi Shankar is doing a great job of trying to help people to lead a happy materialistic life. Not by his classes of breathing techniques (improvised Pranayama), but by the advises he gives about "Art of Living". Luckily he has not (yet) started claiming himself as God. I personally respect him as an individual until he start claiming that he is an incarnation of God. This is his business (for monitory benefits). Nothing wrong in doing that in this materialistic world, if you ask me. I have attended one week class of "Art of Living". It was not free. Nothing can be free in this (materialistic) world. What really moved me was - most of his "devotees" do not understand "Art of Living" even after attending the class. All of them go there just for one reason -- "networking". In addition to this "Art of Networking", all they want to do is some "breathing exercise". Thus Art of Living became synonymous to Breathing Exercise (like SATVIC mentioned in the above post)!!(.. oh well I guess I misunderstood the meaning of "Art of Living", otherwise I would have paid Rs 150,000 to "purchase" a teacher's job in one of "Hindu religion's" college fifteen years ago!! I was too adamant that even though I am also leading a materialistic life, I did not want to go down to their level).Even this materialistic world would have been a much better place if Ravi Shankar could make people understand the real meaning of "Art of Living" (without stressing too much on Pranayama).
January 15, 2010 12
One thing for sure, Malaysian Sultans no longer enjoy the power they used to wield!!!
In 1993, the Malaysian parliament, which was then led by Dr Mahathir and his Barisan Nasional ruling coalition colleagues, approved constitutional amendments that stripped the country's nine Sultans of their immunity from the law. Incidentally, the watershed move was sparked by the alleged thrashing of a hockey coach by the Sultan of Johor.
The legislation reduced the Sultans to ceremonial roles. And Malaysian Sultans definitely don't enjoy the same stature as the Thai King, who is widely loved and respected.
From Wikipedia on the Sultan of Johor:A controversial figure in Malaysia, Sultan Iskandar has led a chequered life. Appointed Tunku Mahkota or Crown Prince in 1959, he was dismissed from that post in 1961 by his father after being found guilty of assault in the Malaysian courts and sentenced to imprisonment. However, Sultan Ismail relented on his deathbed and restored Tunku Mahmood Iskandar to the succession ten days before the former died.A keen soldier, Sultan Iskandar was often at loggerheads with the then Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad while he was Sultan of Johor.
However, in 1984, upon election as Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Iskandar warmed to his Prime Minister and relationships between the two reached dizzying heights when Mahathir was invested with the first class family order of the crown of Johor, a previously unheard of honour for a commoner.While he was Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Iskandar created further controversy by assaulting a golf caddy. A soldier, the brother of the caddy who was badly injured, subsequently ran amok in Kuala Lumpur causing a security scare. The soldier was later arrested and sent to a mental hospital.
His assault on a hockey coach and teacher, Mr Douglas Gomez (d.1999) sparked a constitutional crisis between the government and the Malay Rulers which culminated in the removal of the legal immunity from prosecution of all the rulers in March 1993.Sultan Iskandar, however, continues to be immune from prosecution for his previous offences as the law which provides for the rulers to be stripped of their legal immunity was not made retroactive.
In 1993, the Malaysian parliament, which was then led by Dr Mahathir and his Barisan Nasional ruling coalition colleagues, approved constitutional amendments that stripped the country's nine Sultans of their immunity from the law. Incidentally, the watershed move was sparked by the alleged thrashing of a hockey coach by the Sultan of Johor.
The legislation reduced the Sultans to ceremonial roles. And Malaysian Sultans definitely don't enjoy the same stature as the Thai King, who is widely loved and respected.
From Wikipedia on the Sultan of Johor:A controversial figure in Malaysia, Sultan Iskandar has led a chequered life. Appointed Tunku Mahkota or Crown Prince in 1959, he was dismissed from that post in 1961 by his father after being found guilty of assault in the Malaysian courts and sentenced to imprisonment. However, Sultan Ismail relented on his deathbed and restored Tunku Mahmood Iskandar to the succession ten days before the former died.A keen soldier, Sultan Iskandar was often at loggerheads with the then Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad while he was Sultan of Johor.
However, in 1984, upon election as Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Iskandar warmed to his Prime Minister and relationships between the two reached dizzying heights when Mahathir was invested with the first class family order of the crown of Johor, a previously unheard of honour for a commoner.While he was Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Iskandar created further controversy by assaulting a golf caddy. A soldier, the brother of the caddy who was badly injured, subsequently ran amok in Kuala Lumpur causing a security scare. The soldier was later arrested and sent to a mental hospital.
His assault on a hockey coach and teacher, Mr Douglas Gomez (d.1999) sparked a constitutional crisis between the government and the Malay Rulers which culminated in the removal of the legal immunity from prosecution of all the rulers in March 1993.Sultan Iskandar, however, continues to be immune from prosecution for his previous offences as the law which provides for the rulers to be stripped of their legal immunity was not made retroactive.
இந்தியா என் தாய்நாடு 人生遗憾的事.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
இந்தியா என் தாய்நாடு
குறிப்பு : இளகிய மனம் கொண்டவர்கள் பார்க்கவேண்டாம்.இந்தியா என் தாய்நாடு. இந்தியர் அனைவரும் என் உடன்பிறந்தவர்கள்.என் தாய்த்திருநாட்டை நான் உளமாற நேசிக்கிறேன். வளமும் வேறுபாடும் நிறைந்த அதன் மரபினை எண்ணி இறுப்பூதடைகிறேன். அன்னதன் புகழுக்கேற்ப தகுதியுடைய நன்மகனாய் விளங்க நான் என்றும் முயல்வேன். என்நாட்டிற்கும் என் நாட்டு மக்களுக்கும் என் வந்தனை என்றும் உரியது. என் நாட்டவர் வாழ்வின் நலமும் வளமுமே என் போற்றரும் இன்பம் என்று உளமாற உறுதி கூறுகிறேன்.
இந்தியா என் தாய்நாடு
குறிப்பு : இளகிய மனம் கொண்டவர்கள் பார்க்கவேண்டாம்.இந்தியா என் தாய்நாடு. இந்தியர் அனைவரும் என் உடன்பிறந்தவர்கள்.என் தாய்த்திருநாட்டை நான் உளமாற நேசிக்கிறேன். வளமும் வேறுபாடும் நிறைந்த அதன் மரபினை எண்ணி இறுப்பூதடைகிறேன். அன்னதன் புகழுக்கேற்ப தகுதியுடைய நன்மகனாய் விளங்க நான் என்றும் முயல்வேன். என்நாட்டிற்கும் என் நாட்டு மக்களுக்கும் என் வந்தனை என்றும் உரியது. என் நாட்டவர் வாழ்வின் நலமும் வளமுமே என் போற்றரும் இன்பம் என்று உளமாற உறுதி கூறுகிறேன்.
來了! YouTube正式啟動收費服務
看YouTube要付費了! YouTube的第一波收費將鎖定五支日舞影展觀摩影片,接著還有教育、健身的影片收費服務。
【台灣醒報記者鍾禎祥報導】看YouTube要付費了! YouTube的第一波收費將鎖定五支日舞影展觀摩影片,接著還有教育、健身的影片收費服務。
看YouTube要付費了! YouTube的第一波收費將鎖定五支日舞影展觀摩影片,接著還有教育、健身的影片收費服務。
【台灣醒報記者鍾禎祥報導】看YouTube要付費了! YouTube的第一波收費將鎖定五支日舞影展觀摩影片,接著還有教育、健身的影片收費服務。

Thursday, 21 January 2010
我是真的覺得, 國家有老馬, 你不需要敵人. 一個大馬救不了我們, 一個老馬就可以送番薯國去荷蘭.他說, 美國的科技製造得出阿瓦達這樣的電影, 證明他們有能力自導自演911的恐怖襲擊事件.我可以想像美國佬聽到後的表情, 相信咖啡噴得滿地是, 大便到一半的都會縮回去, 有心臟病的會馬上去見羅斯福, 奧巴馬會叫他的助手查地圖看馬來西亞在那裡, 然後重新調整他們ICBM的射程和目標.不只是美國佬, 連最反美的阿拉伯組織也會覺得不可思議. 反猶太和反美組織向來都有美國自導自演911的說法, 有的還說是猶太人幹的. 但是, 沒有人會把阿瓦達扯上關係. 或者說, 沒有人會把它和電影技術扯上關係.而且911發生在9年前, 他不但以電影拍攝技術和恐怖襲擊扯上關係, 也拿今天的技術水平評論9年前的事件.但是如果你了解老馬的人, 再看看他說話的場合, 就不奇怪了. 他是在一個聲援巴勒斯坦的聚會上發表的談話. 大家都知道老馬就喜歡出風頭, 看到一大群巴勒斯坦人, 就認定反美的講話能夠帶來認同和讚美. 也不管人家在下面捏住懶葩不敢笑出聲.最大的問題在於, 反美是一回事. 說911是自導自演是屬於少數極端份子的說法. 老馬不知道有多久沒看新聞了.老馬也超喜歡以回教國領袖自居, 問題是, 巴勒斯坦人為了建國而奮鬥, 一窮二白, 每天還要跟以色列的坦克丟石頭抓迷藏. 國土已成廢墟也誓死不降. 你們巫統吃好穿好情婦成打, 得空站在那邊說說鳥話就要當人家的大哥?那雞的阿拉事件本來就把大馬涂上更濃的回教形象, 現在再加上一個說911是自導自演的前首相, 我們拿大馬護照的非回教徒改天出國, 給人lock up盤問灌水拔指甲不要奇怪.禍國殃民的老馬, 我其實每天都在咒他死. 而且要死得很難看, 很痛苦.
Posted by Botak at 03:33
Labels: 見山是山
leejiajia said...
21 January 2010 04:11
Mountebank said...
malaysiakini 中文版的少了这么一段:"Jews have always been a problem. They have to be confined to ghettos and periodically massacred. But they still remained, thrived and held governments to ransom."Even after their massacre by the Nazis of Germany, they survived to continue to be a source of greater problems for the world. The holocaust failed as a final solution," he said.真的很够力,老马居然公开的赞成“种族歼灭主义”,对于老马,除了无言,还是无言。
21 January 2010 04:12
方人也 said...
21 January 2010 04:13
moot said...
「奧巴馬會叫他的助手查地圖看馬來西亞在那裡, 然後重新調整他們ICBM的射程和目標.」对咯,要瞄准那些有杀伤力的国家,不用浪费火力在蕃薯万能国。有老马在,蕃薯万能国100年内都不可能威胁到美国。 看过一句话 : 「有句话是这样说的,对于20世纪的世界历史影响最大的是三个讲德语的犹太人:卡尔·马克思(Karl Marx),阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein) 和西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)」就是没有老马的份。 哈哈哈哈哈。
21 January 2010 04:30
DaNieL_YiP 大牛叶 said...
21 January 2010 04:37
波波 said...
21 January 2010 04:39
丽莲~流金岁月 said...
这一点我和你同声同气,我看他也差不多到钟了,到时一起杀鸡还神 ;)
21 January 2010 04:39
zuiyanhong said...
21 January 2010 04:44
草禾刀, blee said...
21 January 2010 04:59
二楼后座-interzone said...
21 January 2010 05:03
Mountebank said...
21 January 2010 05:13
张玉燕 said...
21 January 2010 05:19
二楼后座-interzone said...
大马刚买了鱿鱼级潜艇,想试试看能不能躲得开asroc(anti submarine rocket),所以叫拖衰家老马放放口风,刺激一下老美,好让老美来两支由mk41mod0垂直发射发射的mk46mod5鱼雷,如果闪不开(应该是),就可以重新再买几艘,又可以a钱咯。
21 January 2010 05:30
失败のman said...
21 January 2010 06:04
Botak said...
禮佳佳…. 我終於鳥老馬了? 我向來以鳥馬為快樂之本.MONTE: 原來他是納粹?方人也: 迴光返照?? 他看起來生龍活虎…MOOT: 看看有多少個猶太人的諾貝爾獎得主, 再看看有多少個阿拉伯國家的得主.大牛: 不只, 還有老來嬌. 老來屁股癢.波波: 升級版? 18SX? 等待ing….麗蓮: 我印象最深的是一位十分有涵養的文化界中人叫他 ‘老賊’.醉眼紅: 壞在破壞力強, 禍國殃民.草禾刀: 還沒有, 等我回家先啦…哎呀..救命啊, 怎麼那麼多人注意我的, 哦, 不, 波波的木瓜.二樓: 人之將死, 其言也sot.MONTE: 難說…他以為他超越法律.玉燕: 美國那邊的反應怎樣?二樓: 躲得開的. 馬六甲海峽太擁擠了. 搞不好射不到潛艇射到魷魚.蜘蛛人: 可以拿來馬場打種.
21 January 2010 06:22
大佬:“反秤复民” said...
21 January 2010 06:51
弘农德仁 said...
GUA SALAH LU MAI KONG!!特异功能的杂种马出声是用吠的。。。。。不是用嘶的
21 January 2010 07:10
Botak said...
大佬: 你就想囉...人家那得空理會一隻老馬弘農: 孟加啦馬是這樣嗎? 你肯定?
21 January 2010 07:54
Botak said...
對了. 波波吃了大補丸想谷留言版到200, 你們快點過去幫拖.
21 January 2010 07:56
michael said...
21 January 2010 08:04
我是真的覺得, 國家有老馬, 你不需要敵人. 一個大馬救不了我們, 一個老馬就可以送番薯國去荷蘭.他說, 美國的科技製造得出阿瓦達這樣的電影, 證明他們有能力自導自演911的恐怖襲擊事件.我可以想像美國佬聽到後的表情, 相信咖啡噴得滿地是, 大便到一半的都會縮回去, 有心臟病的會馬上去見羅斯福, 奧巴馬會叫他的助手查地圖看馬來西亞在那裡, 然後重新調整他們ICBM的射程和目標.不只是美國佬, 連最反美的阿拉伯組織也會覺得不可思議. 反猶太和反美組織向來都有美國自導自演911的說法, 有的還說是猶太人幹的. 但是, 沒有人會把阿瓦達扯上關係. 或者說, 沒有人會把它和電影技術扯上關係.而且911發生在9年前, 他不但以電影拍攝技術和恐怖襲擊扯上關係, 也拿今天的技術水平評論9年前的事件.但是如果你了解老馬的人, 再看看他說話的場合, 就不奇怪了. 他是在一個聲援巴勒斯坦的聚會上發表的談話. 大家都知道老馬就喜歡出風頭, 看到一大群巴勒斯坦人, 就認定反美的講話能夠帶來認同和讚美. 也不管人家在下面捏住懶葩不敢笑出聲.最大的問題在於, 反美是一回事. 說911是自導自演是屬於少數極端份子的說法. 老馬不知道有多久沒看新聞了.老馬也超喜歡以回教國領袖自居, 問題是, 巴勒斯坦人為了建國而奮鬥, 一窮二白, 每天還要跟以色列的坦克丟石頭抓迷藏. 國土已成廢墟也誓死不降. 你們巫統吃好穿好情婦成打, 得空站在那邊說說鳥話就要當人家的大哥?那雞的阿拉事件本來就把大馬涂上更濃的回教形象, 現在再加上一個說911是自導自演的前首相, 我們拿大馬護照的非回教徒改天出國, 給人lock up盤問灌水拔指甲不要奇怪.禍國殃民的老馬, 我其實每天都在咒他死. 而且要死得很難看, 很痛苦.
Posted by Botak at 03:33
Labels: 見山是山
leejiajia said...
21 January 2010 04:11
Mountebank said...
malaysiakini 中文版的少了这么一段:"Jews have always been a problem. They have to be confined to ghettos and periodically massacred. But they still remained, thrived and held governments to ransom."Even after their massacre by the Nazis of Germany, they survived to continue to be a source of greater problems for the world. The holocaust failed as a final solution," he said.真的很够力,老马居然公开的赞成“种族歼灭主义”,对于老马,除了无言,还是无言。
21 January 2010 04:12
方人也 said...
21 January 2010 04:13
moot said...
「奧巴馬會叫他的助手查地圖看馬來西亞在那裡, 然後重新調整他們ICBM的射程和目標.」对咯,要瞄准那些有杀伤力的国家,不用浪费火力在蕃薯万能国。有老马在,蕃薯万能国100年内都不可能威胁到美国。 看过一句话 : 「有句话是这样说的,对于20世纪的世界历史影响最大的是三个讲德语的犹太人:卡尔·马克思(Karl Marx),阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein) 和西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)」就是没有老马的份。 哈哈哈哈哈。
21 January 2010 04:30
DaNieL_YiP 大牛叶 said...
21 January 2010 04:37
波波 said...
21 January 2010 04:39
丽莲~流金岁月 said...
这一点我和你同声同气,我看他也差不多到钟了,到时一起杀鸡还神 ;)
21 January 2010 04:39
zuiyanhong said...
21 January 2010 04:44
草禾刀, blee said...
21 January 2010 04:59
二楼后座-interzone said...
21 January 2010 05:03
Mountebank said...
21 January 2010 05:13
张玉燕 said...
21 January 2010 05:19
二楼后座-interzone said...
大马刚买了鱿鱼级潜艇,想试试看能不能躲得开asroc(anti submarine rocket),所以叫拖衰家老马放放口风,刺激一下老美,好让老美来两支由mk41mod0垂直发射发射的mk46mod5鱼雷,如果闪不开(应该是),就可以重新再买几艘,又可以a钱咯。
21 January 2010 05:30
失败のman said...
21 January 2010 06:04
Botak said...
禮佳佳…. 我終於鳥老馬了? 我向來以鳥馬為快樂之本.MONTE: 原來他是納粹?方人也: 迴光返照?? 他看起來生龍活虎…MOOT: 看看有多少個猶太人的諾貝爾獎得主, 再看看有多少個阿拉伯國家的得主.大牛: 不只, 還有老來嬌. 老來屁股癢.波波: 升級版? 18SX? 等待ing….麗蓮: 我印象最深的是一位十分有涵養的文化界中人叫他 ‘老賊’.醉眼紅: 壞在破壞力強, 禍國殃民.草禾刀: 還沒有, 等我回家先啦…哎呀..救命啊, 怎麼那麼多人注意我的, 哦, 不, 波波的木瓜.二樓: 人之將死, 其言也sot.MONTE: 難說…他以為他超越法律.玉燕: 美國那邊的反應怎樣?二樓: 躲得開的. 馬六甲海峽太擁擠了. 搞不好射不到潛艇射到魷魚.蜘蛛人: 可以拿來馬場打種.
21 January 2010 06:22
大佬:“反秤复民” said...
21 January 2010 06:51
弘农德仁 said...
GUA SALAH LU MAI KONG!!特异功能的杂种马出声是用吠的。。。。。不是用嘶的
21 January 2010 07:10
Botak said...
大佬: 你就想囉...人家那得空理會一隻老馬弘農: 孟加啦馬是這樣嗎? 你肯定?
21 January 2010 07:54
Botak said...
對了. 波波吃了大補丸想谷留言版到200, 你們快點過去幫拖.
21 January 2010 07:56
michael said...
21 January 2010 08:04
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Fantastic Facts and Funnies
We need a FINAL solution that works!!!This is so scary but yet funny. I read this in The Malaysian Insider.Dr. Mahathir says, "9/11 attacks in the United States, that killed nearly 3,000, was staged as an excuse to “mount attacks on the Muslim world”.......There is strong evidence that the attacks were staged. If they can make Avatar (the James Cameron film), they can make anything.... killing as an excuse for war is not new to the US."And then he goes on to say, "The Jews had always been a problem in European countries. They had to be confined to ghettoes and periodically massacred. But still they remained, they thrived and they held whole governments to ransom. Even after their massacre by the Nazis of Germany, they survived to continue to be a source of even greater problems for the world. The Holocaust failed as a final solution"Unless there has been something lost in translation or Mahathir's been badly misquoted all the above sounds like the rantings of an insane mind.The Holocaust failed as a final solution??? A solution for what? To eliminate an entire race of people? Maybe years from now someone else might lament that May 13, 1969 failed as a final solution too. I don't know about you but I am going to have a strong drink now. Cheers!NIAMAH!!!
Posted by patrickteoh at 6:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Patrick,This finally exposes the senile, insane, madman Mamakthir for what he is: a NAZI and a RACIST.
6:57 PM
Anonymous said...
The final solution for all Malaysians is to pray for this mamak to live and be tried for all his wrongdoings,only then will he learn the meaning of being a racist.
7:00 PM
Trevor said...
and he is our ex-PM
7:25 PM
Anonymous said...
"The Holocaust failed as a final solution" ... is he insane ????He got so much hatred for the JEWS.... feel sorry for him !!Jaws
7:29 PM
Chan said...
9/11 staged? What a joke!! I don't know how the Americans will feel about this!!Apa nama itu is already damn bloody old. And senile. We forgive him. Let God deal with him.
7:36 PM
Chan said...
And Cheers too!!
7:38 PM
donplaypuks® said...
Firaun seems to be saying that the Jews are only fit for ghettoes and that it is unfortunate that previous efforts to exterminate them as a race, failed!! Can anyone be more spiteful, hateful and vindictive than Firaun?Yet, Planck, Einstein, Freud, Born, Michaelson, Von Neumann Polk, Pauli and hundreds of other Jewish have contribued more to the advancemment of the sciecces and arts in the 20th & 21st century more than any other single race,But this is classic sleight of hand by Firaun. Bad mouth the Jews to distract the world from looking at M'sias own serious setbacks and problems and his own poor track record.And his latest salvo only serves to cement further what we knew all along - here is the world's No.1 racist and bigot!!dppWe are all of 1 race, the HUman race
7:40 PM
Anonymous said...
I think he will be more rational and sane watching "Deep Throat" than 'Avatar'.You have to excuse him from being deprived of power and recognition.The world community cant be bothered to invite him to prestigious conferences like LKY.So, come out with all these rubbish to get hopefully world attention la.Seow Ting Tong!!!
8:16 PM
picktotell said...
This Nazi guy is terribly wrong and insane.
8:18 PM
chchoo said...
pu boh! a real shame to the malaysian nation!
8:55 PM
Jrew said...
Give that photo a tiny moustache and WALLA! a mamak Hitler!
9:00 PM
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